Hey guys I havent posted here in while, since the dominance war actually, here is a character im doing to apply at EA Mythic. I know its not done yet but it should be done before the weekend is over. Comments and suggestions are very welcome.
Visit the AIPX forum it has great student stuff, here is mine
I'm pretty much done with the modeling phase, Crits and comments are very welcome and needed. See ya!
very cool. i like the painted style in your textures.
[/ QUOTE ]
-Dom- yeah dude it is a character I picked off of the mythic concept page, lol. Sorry I forgot to mention that.
-Rhinokey- yeah I didnt know that name of the artist, I admire his work.
-Dekard- I talked talked to some people and they told me the flow there was fine...I also had a 2500 tri limit so thats basically all I could fit in its around 2490 right now.
Thakns again guys, more updates coming soon.....
I think you could spend some tris for some alpha fur on the lower legs.
I agree that there should be more forearm and less blade to match concept art. The concept looks about half and half. Your's looks like 1/3 and 2/3's (maybe that's exagerated a little)
I think you need to pull out his shins too. They curve in way too much, and with pads on top of em they'd need to be out even further.
The concepts are pretty much straight down from knee with only the slightest curve and look very realistic to me.
These are all screen captons of max with flat shaded mode on so they might seem a little bright. Im still working on the back side, crits and comments please...
I really like the character so far, keep on.
@spark- I've never heard the black shader/silohette tip, I'm pretty much gonna go use it now
[edit] Whats with the sudden uprise of AIPX students interested in Mythic? Good to see more Phoenix folk though.
-Tofugorilla- yeah due I heard about the black being too black twice already, I will stay away from true black and add some more scratches. I want to finish the main painting before going into further detail.
-Polyputty- I'll definitely watch out for those shadows because of the animation reason. Yeah, I duplicated the same hair texture, I'm not really satisfied with the look right now so I will probably squeeze in another fur in my texture somewhere for variation, What do you think?
-Spark- Thanks again, Yeah I'm still working on the update, its finals week in school so I'm kind of swamped with homework but I'll definitely post soon.
-Xeto- Actually I think the forearm is just a small piece of bone at the top, the rest is just a piece of flesh tied to the blade. Maybe just the top of the forearm a little fatter would help. :P http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/conceptArt/full/WAR_CA_00806_05.jpg
That black material thing does sound like a good trick, might have to try it
Xeto- yeah dude I'm still working on that skin texture, I had to put it away for a little bit, its finals weeks in school and I'm ready to kill myself.lol. But yeah the skin texture will definitely get some red/purple/yellows in there.
......Thanks for the comments guys.
So here is the update on the skin, I did a little redening, and some purpling, and some bluing. I also redid the fur, ....
..I had to put it away cause finals at school were killing me. But I'm calling it finished now.
the edits are lookin good, keep it up