Wanted to congratulate Jon Jones on his first art lead / manager role on a completed title. May your successful transition from artist to manager continue!
Dungeon Runners launched yesterday:
Its a free to download and play (w/ optional subscription for premium content). Anyway, congrats to Jon. Also, some other polycounters worked on this one. Speak up if you like.
Cool game, i love the style!
Seems very inspired by a top selling MMORPG.
It's been a hell of a fun time working on this. And it's going to continue to be my life for the forseeable future!
Hope you guys enjoy it.
It looks pretty decent though so thats all that matters. Nice work, Jon Jones.
(qubism all over as far as I can tell from the textures!)
"Kill evil things and take their stuff!"
I'm on World 2, Geezus, if anyone wants to go on some runs! :]
I second Josh's recommendation for some Pimpage of some work.
And Qube did a significant amount of work on the game with me, yes, but a lot of the game I inherited from another developer and finished off. The newest, best, latest and greatest is yet to come!
I'll do an art dump here when I can. )
I had a blast playing with Geezus and Fuse. We killed some ice giant guy whose name slips my mind. Or rather, they did, while I gave him a series of paper cuts with my cardboard sword. Good times.
I'm guessing design meetings to come up with names for items involved a lot of alcohol and franticly trying to scribble things down before the next fit of laughter hit.
My name is Molgren (rearranged 'mongrel' hehe). Usually on world 2.
It's real simplified, but a lot of fun at the same time. Real easy to pick up and fun with a few friends to farm some dungeons/bosses.
I am lolerskate in the game
Isn't there any way to streamline that awful process? It was like a scavenger hunt. Jon, you wrote all about shallow easy to navigate web portfolios, so you know why it's important to have ease of entry. Why such a convoluted process?
but yes it is annoying having NC soft have a master account then individual accounts, I always choose to use the same name and pass per game. It gets tedious
game seems ok so far, uncanny resemblance to wow and diablo 2. it has potential but it needs a lot more polish in terms of how smooth it controls and such, just feels clunky