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The Escapade: Iris



  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]

    I'm taking the critiques in this thread that are trying to help me accomplish the look I set out for. The people who are trying to art direct my piece, while I appreciate their intentions, are not really helping, and I'm not going to follow their advice just because they posted on the internet.

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    It seems like you're shutting out a lot of potentially useful critique just because you don't like what they're saying. I think, after seeing your ref and the style the piece was painted in, most of the artists who have given you crits here have some idea what you're going for.

    Daz's paintover, for example, seemed to nail the look you're trying to achieve, without the iffy anatomy around the mouth, cheeks, and eyes.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Btw, what is the point of having such a low resolution texture on such a relativly high poly mesh?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    Btw, what is the point of having such a low resolution texture on such a relativly high poly mesh?

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    Seems to fit wii specifications fine. Maybe ps2, dunno about polycounts on it.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    Damn theres alot of drama in this thread,

    drama aside, I think this piece is super hot. Agreed the face is a little odd, but its definately intresting and adds sort of an uncomfortable feeling to the whole model.

    I think one thing that could help alot is the spec highlight thats painted on the lip gives a bit of an overly large buck tooth look from a distance. I understand your goin for the whole pouty and puffy lip thing, but it might help to ditch the split spec.

    that (And I`m sure you probably tried this) but some big gnarly racoon eyes would add that drug addict look like the concept too
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I think the overall composition of the piece would read better if she had a lot more feline aspects to her - don't make her a cat, mind you, but more of a cat... person. And get rid of her clothes, they're fagging up the piece with all their bright colors and odd placement. Make her fur orange, please. I think that will look a lot better, and will really nail the look I know you're going for.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    I love the internets, I think its a cool project, I look forward to seeing it with the environment work you're planning.

    I do think it's funny how something like this gets such a hardcore response with paintovers, drama and name calling. when there's so many threads that pass by without nearly as much 'attempt' at help or guidance.
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    [ QUOTE ]

    I do think it's funny how something like this gets such a hardcore response with paintovers, drama and name calling. when there's so many threads that pass by without nearly as much 'attempt' at help or guidance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll second this. I noticed this ever since I found out about these forums - the people who really need the help in refining their skills don't get it and the only threads that end up sticking is the ones that don't actually need it.

    Well... better than no forum at all I suppose.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think those are example of hyperthyroid stare.

    it usually looks more fucked up than that.

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    I'd have to disagree. I used to have a friend who had hyperthyroidism and her eyes weren't as bad as the one in Poop's reference picture. Poop is using severe cases of hyperthyroidism as his ref and while I got nothing against that, it doesn't give the druggy look :P Makes them look crazy, but I guess you could compare mental instability with drug addiction...


  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Whoa, i havent checked up on this in a while, and it certainly took an interesting turn. I like it!

    I do have some suggestions to make it look a little more like your reference tho. The eyelashes look a bit detached, how about giving her some eyeshadow and eyeliner, making the transition from eyelid to eyelash less harsh. I'm not quite sure how well it would work, but you could try toning down the lower eyelash to half its length and a little less intensity, and counter by adding heavy shadow on her lower eyelid.

    //edit: DOH! i see that my points have already been mentioned by others.. I should LERN2READ(tm). Oh well..
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Well I like it, Ben, even if the rest of these guys are inclined to whine. Once you've painted the alpha channels on the eyelashes, the eye area will look fine.
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    UV master supreme! Damn man I love seeing all those squares. I like what you have done with the texture.

    If I had to offer one (personal) suggestion it would be to try and vary your levels of saturation. Given the nature of her ailment if you desaturated her a bit and added a tad of grunge overlays here and there she would freak me out (in a good way). But it's nice to see something fresh like this. Good job.
  • systmh
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    i think she just needs eyeliner all the way around the insides of the lids. that's where eyeliner goes; on the 'thickness' of the eyelids. right now it's really weird seeing a bunch of skin in between the lashes and the sclera of the eyes. i think that would bring out the distinct look of the reference better.

    and maybe the cheeks around the mouth could be a bit more subtle. but that's personal preference i suppose. two cents.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    i'd also look at the top lip...the length from where it peaks(at top to lips) to where it connects to the bottom lip, seems to be too much of a curve. this could easily be fixed by bringing up the sides of the upper lip. right now....it connects on the same plane where the bottom lip lies.

    sorry if this doesn't make sense....couple of beers
  • Laheen
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    Laheen polycounter lvl 18
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 19
    Poop does as poop does.
    I likes it. The only thing i would add is a little stronger eyeliner on the lower lid. Is all.

  • The Umbrella Man
    Just a minor crit, the area around where the hoodie wraps around the neck doesn't have a feel of tension due to a lack of wrinkles in general around the loops and the general area.

    In contrast to what someone else said I think you actually need to up the contrast in lets say again the hoodie area so that it's easier to actually see the folds. Though this may be by design so sorry if it was intentional.

    So are you going for a worn out druggy kind a look? Or more a raver sunday ecstasy user type chick? If it's worn out, I would suggest adding some bags to the eyes, deep and pretty dark, due to lack of sleep. Meth heads especially show heavy signs of sleep deprivation and as a result the skin starts to loose it's elasticity, the result is sagging. So on that note I like the fat face, and the jowels, though the Jowels you did I think are a little wrong (Could be wrong, I'm going off meth head refs). Think of what that saggy faced dog looks like, but not as extreme, your jowels seem to follow the jaw line which they don't normally do. They tend to hang downward with gravity and all that.

    If you add bags and severely dilated pupils, I think you will much better convey the drugged out look. I think this is pushing the boundaries of what people find attractive and for some reason I find I really like this peice.

    EDIT: I think if you gave the face and eyes a little more texture space you could convey the worn out look and dilated pupils better. Right now the face area is a little blurry. Am I wrong about this?
  • Darksoldier
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    i really like her, i don't get why people don't like her. shes really cool, i've actually met some girls that pretty much dress and look like that. i hope you finish her, i will never understand why people get so upset on forums and say such nasty shit , especially when they have no decent art to show. your a high quality artist poop, i love your work and your site!!
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    Hi, I'm just posting to say that this is an old thread. Posting some feedback is fine, but adding in your two cents to an old argument isn't exactly helpful. Thanks. Lets let this one sleep, eh?
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