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grand marshal polycounter
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pior grand marshal polycounter
Alright I thought I'd rather give it it's own thread instead of polluting the w.a.y.w.o.

I'm doing some MGS3 fan/copycatart, basically making a normalmapped Snake with all the classic gear from the third episode and also trying to keep it on the boudary between stylized and realistic. I find it allows to avoid the uncanny valley somehow...

A bit of an image dump then. But new pics also!
Early sculpt, an ape and some progress pics :

Just started on the texturing. I still have all the gear pieces to nmap but I could't bother yet ha!

That one is taken in maya. I have an okay shader that works in high quality rendering mode. It's very coarse and unforgiving hence I find it useful when texturing since it's somehow an equivalent to self illumination. Right side is taken in Xnormal.

Some more Xnormal tests. The cast shadows system rules! but I find the shading to be a bit soft. Oh I used Xn for generating the maps btw, it was a real breeze, thankyou Santiago!


In the end I decided to go for JStyle's skinshader because it allows funky colors overlay that give that slight moody Shinkawa look!

And a quick mockup of the classic Zombie camo pattern:

Feel free to crit away. Still many things to do...

[edit] Reduced image overload!


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