So Sony's Gamers day was this week,and i have to say we made an awesome impression. Still tons of polish to go, but its really shaping up. there are some nice new screens and 2 new vids, one of the disco grenade and one of a early boss fight.
check out the new screens and vids here
ps3 + 3 games = way too much $$$
Artist -Kaos
looks awesome, as expected
thanks for the comments, the game is really fun too.
more comming soon.
there are some more here
i really like those guys in the bottom pic, if you cant tell its a mechanized suit being controlled by a goldfish in a tank of water for a head.
hah there was this huge thread on neogaf where everyone was saying that our game is not real time and all prerendered..
everything is taken from in game, nothing is uprezed, we don't even pre render our cinematics.
just to set the record straight..
oh and yes it runs at 60 frames
i didn't come on until the end of the project so i only got to work a bit on it here and there..
they actually hired me for something else..........
i just really like the look of the game and cant help but pimp it when i get the chance..
I didn't realize those were goldfish though
we really need some good platformers..
Looks great, but I dont have a PS3 and don't intend on buying one so I'll probably miss out.
that last screen shot of ratchet looks great.
I'll watch gameplay vids and drool, though.
Even when absurdly rail sliding away from whatever cartoonish explosion I can't even remember escaping from because I was doing my best not to vomit a rainbow, with a bazillion things going on in the background, I felt as if I were just pleasantly existing in some thrill ride of a world.
[/ QUOTE ]
I really can't wait to check this game out in person.
i don't really blame anyone for not having a ps3, i still don't have one, but fortunately we make the only games i would be playing on it anyway, so for now i don't really feel like i am missing anything.
I'm loving Up Your Arsenal!
color ftw!