Jimmies, very hard to say just who is responsible for the TF2 look development. you might go snooping around on the team bio page on the valve site, but otherwise good luck. as mentioned, Viktor Antonov was responsible for much of HL2's look.
hmmm I cant find out exactly who it was that did the concept work but heres valves staff list and a few people are noted as working on TF2 on there http://www.valvesoftware.com/people.html
I bought Edge magazine "The art of video games" and theres 3 pages of fantastic concept illustrations for TF2 in there, its about £8 but a good bit of inspiration for sure.
haw haw haw
Jimmies, very hard to say just who is responsible for the TF2 look development. you might go snooping around on the team bio page on the valve site, but otherwise good luck. as mentioned, Viktor Antonov was responsible for much of HL2's look.
and that Russian fellow has interesting environments and what not
I bought Edge magazine "The art of video games" and theres 3 pages of fantastic concept illustrations for TF2 in there, its about £8 but a good bit of inspiration for sure.