Hi guys
Together with IGDA Ukraine we have decided to organize game-art event.
Now I work on concept and search people for this event.
Help is necessary. Who already worked above such actions? What advice, helps, offers will be?
Someone wishes to arrive in Ukraine to tell to us interesting lecture?
what you mean?
you don't want in Ukraine?
or you not have advice for this actions?
The Ukrainian IGDA is looking for guest lecturers to come and speak in Kiev, Ukraine. Pavel is asking who would be interested to come and give a lecture/demo/talk there for the group*.
*Then in true Russian fashion they will get you drunk on vodka, steal all the blue jeans from your luggage, rape you, and leave your corpse on the side of the road.
And in general for us is necessary healthy organs! Give us your fresh MEAT!
yeaahh...crazy party
Yes i think we call guys from GSC(Stalker team),Vogster,Crytek(Kiev),Creoteam and others
Now we think about foreign visitors...
Pavel, KGB will kill you, why did you told him our sikredz?