Well not really destroy, more like waltzes through.

Even giant wooden dolls have to sleep.

Apparently her giant dad got mad and destroyed some stuff in the city. Like this,

And this (yes that's a bus cut in half with a butter knife)

I haven't seen the dad puppet yet, but I'll be checking it out tomorrow.
Here are some other pictures of mine from around Reykjavik (where I now live). Most are from my walk to work.
I forget the icelandic word for these, but they're basically small lumps of grass.

Sunset at 11 PM

Dock at the end of the peninsula

Lighthouse at the end of the peninsula

Ships are always out on the water, and make for great sunset images.

Cemeteries in Iceland are so much cooler than those in the states. They have a habbit of planting trees right over the grave.

And the rest of the gallery is here.
Was the puppet some kind of annual event or festival? I'm not familiar with the Icelandic festivities.
Are you sure there's nothing living underneath them?
cool to see some high res pics.
[edit]bleh must read replies before posting...
jealous XD
nice photos.
great photos! thanks
Nice pics, Iceland has deep-fried grass.
sexy work.
So what are you doing in Reykjavik? Working on Eve Online?
And wow, seriously that's a creepy fucking doll