Ive been trying to get an alphatested shader with a specular and a normalmap for foliage on trees to work in quake4.
This is the shader im using:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>models/nature/tree_foliage01
deform sprite
qer_editorimage models/nature/tree_foliage01_d.tga
blend diffusemap
map models/nature/tree_foliage01_d.tga
alphaTest 0.5
}</pre><hr />
This is what im getting:

basicly an unlit alphatested sprite.
I know its possible to get a particle effect sprite to use an alphatested shader, but havent found a way to get it to work through the material alone using the 'deform sprite' def, im really not too clued up on doom3 shaders but it just seems like such a simple thing.
Would really appreciate any help on this