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#34 - Black Bishop - M@!

Hey all, I'm new to the forums though I know a few ppl from local sketch groups. The first thing I want to say is that I'm really impressed w/ all the work I see on here. There’s a pretty consistent level of quality I don't see too often in 3d forums, so congrats on that and particularly on the dominance war stuff. You guys had some awesome submissions.

I've hammered out some thumbs and a few quick concepts for a black bishop, though it could end up being white; nothing is really screaming "evil" about it at the moment. I would have liked to develop a few more of my thumbs before setteling on an idea, but I like where this one is going, and I'm running out of time to get started modeling.

Since I'm a bit late coming in, I don't think I'll have time for a finished concept piece (before the submission deadline anyway), but I think I've got enough to work from here.

Thanks for checking it out^. Crits and paintovers are always appreciated.


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