Oh man a friend sent me this and I just had to share. I wish I could do caricature art like this guy. I would have so much fun. But knowing the ways I am I would probably get shot, stabbed or just beat up and then the joke would be on me.
Anyways enjoy the video
EXTREME caricature art
Rejects the book
and here are a few more videos i found.
rejects 2
the artists Joe Bluhm also has an online portfolio.
Online Portfolio
It seems he DONT make a lot of money with it, read this:
Sebastian Kruger ( http://www.krugerstars.com/ ) is my favourite, he just has ridiculous amounts of style and skill with paint. I've got his "Krugerstars" book, really amazing to see them all printed at 15"x11" or something (although I think a lot of the original paintings are a lot bigger).
Sebastian Kruger ( http://www.krugerstars.com/ ) is my favourite, he just has ridiculous amounts of style and skill with paint.
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Oh yes awesome caricatures this guy makes...
His Jaggers are aweseome
Sebastian Kruger ( http://www.krugerstars.com/ ) is my favourite, he just has ridiculous amounts of style and skill with paint.
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Oh yes awesome caricatures this guy makes...
His Jaggers are aweseome
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That stuff is insane. I might have to splurge and get his book.
Most people don't realize what a 'caricature' is, joe exemplifies the definition. It's not a portrait, it's an exaggeration of the features.
1 : exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics
2 : a representation especially in literature or art that has the qualities of caricature
3 : a distortion so gross as to seem like caricature
Joe had a hand in doing those "Cab Driver" snippits on Fox. He did some of the animation and he was the voice of the 'translater' on the learn english tapes.
ME: Hey you having a good time?
Customer: Yeah this is the best day ever!
..... 10 minutes later.
ME: Here you go.
Customer: What? Do I really? No? Why? (runs away crying)
ME: hahaha