yes. i've decided to try out for this one. reasons:
1) my watashi kaizoku information isn't on any computer other than the one which is on a ship to toronto at the moment. [yes i know.... stupid of me].
2) Also, the computer i currently have, doesn't have a directx 9 card, so no normal maps... good opportunity for me to make something without the normal map! [this is actually the main reason
just one problem is that i'm busy till may 4 [weddings to attend]..... but i'll try and find time to make this.
concept to come soon [read may 4th] but i'm thinking of a pawn-grunt. i've got some silhouettes, and one that i liked, so i'll try posting that one up.
i look forward to the amazing support of the community.
basically, its a grunt type mountain troll thingy. He's chained using magical chains controlled by the king's sorcerers, so as to prevent him from "going ape" on the kings own people. I'm thinking of replacing the chains with ropes.
oh, and im aware that the drawing is crap. I have no access to a scanner, so i'm having to use photoshop... it'll hopefully improve though.