They are flying off the shelves, I managed to snag one. Wii Sports is fun. I'll be getting the usual Nintendo staples, Smash Bros, Mario, Zelda, Metroid. But seriously, with so many consoles flying off the shelves, are there any awesome looking third party titles coming for this, that AREN'T just ports or remakes? Right now I view the lack of quality third party titles for this console as it's biggest disadvantage.
Third parties will follow now that they've realized how big the system is. It's just going to take a year or two for those titles to get out, because not many people wanted to invest in it early on.
Just look at how the DS is getting an excusive Ninja Gaiden and Dragon Quest. Third parties follow the money trail. Big install base = more money. The Wii is currently building that big install base.
The Wii is currently building that big install base.
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Oh of course.
Hopefully in between all those, Ubisoft or someone will make a fun, appealing game to complement all those... Super awesome brain games. Not hating on the casual games, it's just nice to have something nice and epic to play every now and then.
... I'm holding out for the Bob Ross painting game.
I love the wii, and I hate nintendo
looked well smart.
so far the only cool ones are : Wii sports and zelda, red steel is shit, but later on the game the environment art is sweet to look at...sonic and the secret rings is shit ..bah i bought some gamecube classics and am very happy
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excite truck is awesome aswel