maybe editor could me awesome.
you can create different fighters from boxes with different characteristics, like Big slow sumo guy and skinny capoero dancer.
oh, and multiplayer over internet too!
I managed to beat the guy, unfortunately there wasn't a second level. But, there is a secret area.
On the menu screen, throw cubes at the blocks on the right in the background. There is a certain block, you can hit it by throwing a cube through the gap between the two bars on the right. When you hit that, you go to an area where there is just a sumo and you throw blocks at him.
It made me think a fun game mode would be a race, where you move your guy by throwing blocks at him, trying to move him but not knock the clumsy git over. Either way, hilarious game
I saw this game earlier on Garry's website. It's pretty fun for killing time. It definitely got me thinking about the modding possibilities, that's for sure.
This is Hilarious!!!
Their movements make me laugh on floor
Like drunk fight
Ragdoll Matrix: Reloaded
[full] - 18 mb
[lite] - 3 mb (without music)
[link] - 4 mb
but anyway sumotori is most ridiculous
Not that bullshit in Hl2
That's physics DRIVEN.
We need physics BASED.
Where they??????
It is entertaining indeed to watch, like drunken toddlers on ice. I wish you didn't lose control of the player the second the match is over though.
you can create different fighters from boxes with different characteristics, like Big slow sumo guy and skinny capoero dancer.
oh, and multiplayer over internet too!
Box Fighter Turbo!
On the menu screen, throw cubes at the blocks on the right in the background. There is a certain block, you can hit it by throwing a cube through the gap between the two bars on the right. When you hit that, you go to an area where there is just a sumo and you throw blocks at him.
It made me think a fun game mode would be a race, where you move your guy by throwing blocks at him, trying to move him but not knock the clumsy git over. Either way, hilarious game