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My fiance and baby boy got hit by a car today....

polycounter lvl 17
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ebagg polycounter lvl 17
Firstly, they are both doing fine, Denise is getting checked out, baby Red was untouched. This is just goddamn unbelievable.

Denise was walking down the sidewalk with baby Red in a stroller. She noticed a woman pull up and waiting to turn onto the main street Denise was walking adjacent to. Denise waved to the lady driver, in a Dodge Durango SUV who looked straight at Denise.

But apparently this woman had her brain elsewhere, because as Denise walked right in front of the SUV, the woman hits the gas to merge onto the main road! Now Denise is screaming bloody murder, yelling at the woman to stop. What's incredible is Denise manages to get herself between the hood of the SUV and the stroller, and takes the hit, and manages to keep her footing as she gets shoved 15 or so feet.

Cars are honking, people are yelling, Denise is in plain view RIGHT IN FRONT of the hood, and it takes the woman a few seconds to hit her brakes. Denise's adrenaline rush is in high affect and she pulls the stroller onto the sidewalk from the middle of the street and starts checking baby Red for injury. Cops and medics arrive, witnsess and the woman driver's info is recorded. Denise isn't in too much pain, took a little while to wear off before the pain set in, and she was really close to home so she got home fine. Then I get a call from her, take the rest of the day off work and take her and baby Red to the hospital to make sure she didn't get injured somewhere she didn't know about. She's in a lot of pain, and we'll be figuring out what to do from a legal standpoint tomorrow.

Ever have a near death experience or have a loved one nearly die? I have had a lump in my throat since it happened, the what ifs are just horrifying and I'm so grateful they're both ok. Wow, how idiotic of a person do you have to be to hit someone like that!?!??!


  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Damn man,glad to hear your wife and child are ok.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Wow. Damn. I'm happy to hear your wife and child are doing well. Damn. I really hope that woman gets jail time, loses her license, and more. Damn, good luck with the whole legal battle.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Dang yo! That's pretty intense man and I'm glad both are fine. I've been hit by a car before (fourth grade) and managed to walk away with just a limp for about 20 mins and the side of my left thigh bruised beyond recognition.
    How people survive these things and just walk away is truly amazing.

  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    I got nailed by a car when I was in the 7th grade (got thrown a long distance high in the air and landed on shoulder), I got right up and, when asked by the elderly lady if I was okay, let out a string of swear words that caused her to drive away.

    I was so full of rage I didn't even get her license plate number...I seriously hope the SUV driving lady who did this to your family and gets punished.

    Glad to hear they're okay.

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Wow close call man glad all is well though that is terrifying when you have a near death experiance.
    I got a couple of those myself.

    Hope it's alright that I mention my little tale:

    I got hit by a car myself though it could have been my fault I had a bike with no back brakes when I was around 18 riding in the street no less. I had a sense that somthing might happen though I took the turn still before turning I prepared myself just incase. I take a turn on an 8 lane (think cross) type street and on the left side boom a car hits me they said I cracked the wind shield with my head and landed on the side of the car, all I remember was getting up and draging my bike and like gavimage cursed profoundly at the driver walking to the corner and dragging my bike.

    Got $7,000.00 for the accident a nice juicy gash on my head and the biggest black and blue you ever seen on my hip/rib bone area.

    Yes, the light I passed under was yellow so could have been my fault or his for speeding on regular streets.

    I just thank god it wasn't a 16 wheel truck or I'd have been street pizza.

    Hope everything turns out alright for you guys and if you can sue the driver her insurance will pay and putting a child in danger, should be big money.

    God bless.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    That's terrible man, I can't even imagine what that must of been like to for you and your wife.

    Glad they're ok.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Holy shit, I saw the title and was dreading opening the thread. So relieved to hear they are ok.

    Not had anything myself, but a guy I know from school was literally run over by a car. Broke various parts of his body and he was given about a 30% chance of survival. Apparently he's ok, and I think he's now out of the wheelchair but doing physiotherapy. Apparently the bitch that did it drove off, not sure if they caught her.

    I hope the legal system doesn't screw you over, and you get compensated fairly, and she gets punished appropriately.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Sue her, make sure she gets her license taken away and that she pays for any hospital bills you have and then some for trying to run her down.

    I lost a good friend of mine when i was 14 by some old lady running him down during a bike race when she drove onto the race path that was coned off. So many stupid people that shouldn't be driving...

    I'm so glad she wasn't hurt, is there anything me or Trish can do to help you guys out?
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Holy shit man. That woman is fricken retarded. Glad to hear that your wife and son are okay though, that's the part that matters. Also amazing both that they didn't get seriously hurt and that your wife kept her head about her that well!
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    Sounds like your wife is pretty quick on her feet. Be thankful for that!

    But yeah. I totally feel your pain. I've come SO close to that happening to me about half a dozen times in the last 2 years. Skateboarding down the sidewalk and people coming storming out of their driveways/garage WAY too fast, and not even looking. Completely focused on any cars that may be coming and whether they can merge or not, and not paying attention to whats directly in front of them. There is one driveway in particular that I'm particularly scared to death of because I see the guy in the Bronco come storming out all the time. I yell at him and wave my arms and everything every time I see him, but he just doesn't even care.

    Plus on a side note - a coworker that lives 2 blocks away was hit by a car when he was on his bike. The lady was coming out of a Day Care/Nursery (!!!) not looking and totaled his bike. She drove away. Scary as all hell.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Damn, I'm glad everyone is ok in comparisson to what could've happened being hit by a car. I would probably pursue legal action though, simply due to the sheer stupidity on the part of the driver...she should not be out there on the road, driving an SUV.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    My god man, glad to hear everyone is alright! Normally I am not a big fan of law suits, but this time I think you need to at the very least get this woman to pay some medical bills.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, that's amazing.
    Elliotte, anybody who knows me knows I'm semi-religious, and dude when something like that happens you get on your knees and thank Jesus or Budda or Odin or who ever man. Count your Blessings man. Wow, if my wife and kids where that close to such serious injury I'd be Freaking out too. Thanks for sharing that story, Life is just too precious and all it takes is an idiot behind the wheel of a car to shatter it.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Glad the baby and your lady are safe. Sounds like you have a very smart and agile partner! Do something extra special for her this week. smile.gif

    Just thinking about something like this happening to my wife gets my blood boiling. I am a biker and runner so close calls happen to me often. I have been hit a few times and seen people get hit in front of me.

    There are people out there that just don't care, have to much going on in the vehicle ( tv's, phones, computers, ect... ) or just should have given up there keys due to age or medical reasons and are still on the road.

    I have to donkey kick vehicles in the side panels to get there attention when there to close or sometimes I twist hood ornaments on cars parked out past the cross walk.

    Go after her in court. Sounds like she isn't going to offer to help out on her own after nearly killing your loved ones.

    Man i really want to go into a rant on bitches in suvs but I'll hold off wink.gif
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    That is some scary stuff. I am glad they are both ok.

    I can't believe all of the idiot drivers I see in our neighborhood. People driving way too fast through a residential neighborhood, not making complete stops, refusing to stop for pedestrians at marked crosswalks, etc. I realize that there are crappy drivers everywhere but Plano, Texas seems to have more than their fair share. Someone behind my wife in traffic actually honked at her because she stopped at a marked crosswalk where a jogger was waiting to cross. I myself have been honked at once for making a complete stop at a stop sign and another time for doing the same before turning right on a red light. Both times I just hit the brakes and make the dumbshit behind me wait a few extra precious seconds before I continue on poly130.gif
  • Mark Dygert
    Damn Elliotte, it sounds like you picked the right lady. I'm glad everyone is OK. Honestly I'm a little disappointed the drivers air bag didn't deploy shattering her face...

    You scared the crap out of me with that thread title, well done =P
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Holy balls you married supergirl.

    Glad there's no serious injuries.
  • skrubbles
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    skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
    Elliotte, I didn't even know you were engaged and had a baby.... So sorry to hear what happened, but so relieved when I read the conclusion that they are both safe. Your fiance is indeed supergirl. I hope everything is still ok though I'm sure you're all still shakin' up. I highly encourage you to do the American thing and sue the pants off that idiotic driver... I'm scared knowing there's people that stupid and blind "controlling" dead machines... she shouldn't be behind a wheel.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Damn ebagg, I'm glad they're both fine. That driver was a farkin idiot. I hope the police or whomever, do something to her.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I got bumped by a car in kindergarten
    Given the front of it was at about head height at the time, it was pretty scary.
    I looked both ways, and the fucker peeled around the corner, speeding, must have seen me, and nailed the brakes just in time.

    Sorry to hear that people are still stupid, sir..
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Glad they're okay, that's motherly instinct kickin' in for ya. I'm sure she would have gone to any lengths to protect Red, I'm just really glad she didn't have to. Like everyone else said, sue the pants off that lady if you can.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I know what you could do.
    Find the lady, wave her across....
    And wham.
    Revenge in full, yo.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    I'm glad your family is well.

    My wife and I had a close call not long ago. Here is a simple animation of it. We are the black car. The lady in the red car had a siezure and hit the car next to us and the truck in front of us. She was the only one hurt because her car burrowed under the truck. Luckily it was a hospital street corner so there was 4 doctors on the scene before I got a chance to call 911.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, Monster that's some crazy luck right there.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I'm glad your wife and kid are doing fine. That's quite a story.

    It's too easy to get a driver's license in the states. And so nearly anyone can get behind an SUV.

    From what I'm told, it's more difficult to get a driver's license in some parts of Europe. It requires more testing and more money. I think it should be the same in the States, and easier for motorcycles.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    woow good to hear they're allright!
    i've had 2 car accidents in my life, but i never got anything worse than a few bruises from them. i think i'm very lucky, just like your wife and kid.
    very courageous of your wife to put herself between the car and the stroller!
    hope you can get that woman to lose her licence.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I got bumped by a car in kindergarten
    Given the front of it was at about head height at the time, it was pretty scary.
    I looked both ways, and the fucker peeled around the corner, speeding, must have seen me, and nailed the brakes just in time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was wondering why your portrait looked liked that. They forgot some parts wink.gif
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Thank you for all the kind words, I've definitely been very grateful over and over again that things didn't go worse for Denise and Red. Denise's is feeling more and more in pain, and we're getting things figured out legally and medically...one thing she mentioned to me that I hadn't realized, I thought she was right in front of the truck, wrong, I guess there were a good two yards or so between them, which the driver accelerated to BEFORE hitting Denise. What a wonderful driver... frown.gif
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    We should build giant catapults at stop signs, under the road...
    If the computer sensors in the steering wheel of the car detects stupidity, or a lack of attention to driving..
    Straight to the sun.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Wow, gee man, stupidity like that reminds me of when I got hit and almost ended my flying career. Glad to hear your wife and son is doing well, and hope everything is alright.

    The stupid bitch that hit me hit me when I was standing half way out of the door of my car in a car park when she came to park behind me and hit the accelerator instead of the break. Easy mistake to make I guess. When your a moron. Anyway, I got a back brace, surgery and almost lost my career in her little stunt. All I can say now is that the back is fine after surgery, I have been given the pass to fly again (albiet in like 1.5 years) and I got quite a healthy payout. I hope everything turns out okay for you guys too. Glad to hear your baby is not at all injured.
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