Hello guys, I've been working on a 100 percent custom map for UT2004. Recently while hollowing out major areas with subtraction brushes and addition brushes I realized that I had to lower a certain hallway/area. So to make other areas and hallways connect properly I had to move the subtraction and addition brushes down about 8 units @ 4 units scale.
The problem is that when I did this I got a nasty black cieling that isnt recieving lighting. I know it was sloppy brush work that shouldve been avoided but I had no choice.
Is this a common BSP error, I can still play the map so there is no building error that causes me not to be able to play it.
Whats interesting is that if I move the brush up or down one unit it lights correctly. Its when its lined up with the other brushes it renders as black. Does anyone know how to fix this or should I go back to a previous saved version and restart on these areas. Heres the problem. I hope someone here can help. If so thanks you very much!!! Heres the screen.

To fix your problem, try copying the piece that is giving u fits and moving it off to the side, then delete the original and move the copy back over where the original was , and rebuild.