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Wings 3D help.

Hey guys, first time poster here and just started fiddling with 3D models.

I was wondering if there is anyone amongst you guys who know your way around Wings. And the problem I have is that I dont know how to import textures to it.

I think I'm doing alright otherwise, I'm able to export UWmaps to photoshop, not sure what I'm supposed to do now though. How can I import the photoshop texture to Wings? confused.gif

I have searched alot for tut's showing how its made, but have had no luck. Do I perhaps need another program for the texturing? And if so, could you perhaps give me a few examples of those programs?

Appreciate any help.


  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    I guess this would fit better into 2d/3d discussion, not GD.

    But anyways here's how you do it:

    Under the menu option there is a window called "outliner" where all objects, materials and textures are listed.
    If you do a "import image" from the file menu the texture should show up in the outliner window, where you can connect it then to a material (you can create a new one by right clicking on the object and selecting material-> new) by "dragging" the texture onto the material. If you do so a menu should pop up asking what type to texture it should be used, e.g. diffuse, gloss or bump/normal map.

    That's it wink.gif Not exactly rocket science tongue.gif

    P.S.: There is a quite annoying bug in the newer Nvidia drivers that slows down Wings3D quite a lot. So if you experiencing very slow selection, but fast rotation etc you have to either revert to I think pre 9.x drivers, or upgrade to the very newest betas. More on this on the Wings3D forums. But it sure is annoying the hell out of me frown.gif
  • Abelson
    Ahh, finally, thanks a lot! wink.gif
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