Can someone here tell me why does Mudbox imported object always look faceted when imported back in Max ?
Object in Mudbox
Object imported in Max from Mudbox
Is there a way to have my Max imported object look a little less faceted ? i know Zbrush doesn't do that. You can import your stuff back in clean with no flaws.
Thanks people.
woah...Stjoris beat me to it.
Do you always have to re-smooth what is imported ? because image the slowness of your computer if everything is re-smoothed over and over again.
If you look at the silhouette of your object in mudbox and in max, you'll see it's exactly the same - also if you right-click in the viewport in Mudbox you can change the rendering style to faceted (turn off the smooth checkbox) and you'll see it's exactly the same geometry.
Works like a real charm, thank you gentlemen
will this have a bad effect when out putting a normal map ?
I ask many questions like that because i just resently started under 3dsMax and so far im in love with it.