Hi everyone,
At the moment, I am working on a Xan Kriegor model for UT3.
I have everything I need for creating normal maps, textures...
However I just need to know wich viewer program I should use for Normal maps.
Concept art :
Flat shaded preview :
Xan Kriegor
Polycount = 5572
Tool used : 3DS Max 8
With smooth groups
High poly version
Please, critics and comments are welcome.:)
Actually I was wondering how many unwrap maps they will allow for each character model in Unreal Tournament 3.
In UT2kx, the models have two 1024*1024 textures, one for the head, one for body.
Make the UV map is not problem, but I don't want to waste time...
So if anybody has some advice about that.
For the moment, I will go for two unwrap maps of 2048*2048...
One for the body , one for the head
with the resolution that EPIC developper are supposed to use : 2048*2048
not really satisfying
So I went for 3 :
1024*1024 for the head
and 2 2048*2048 for the body
here the low poly mesh with normal maps :
Shot at 2007-07-13
Shot at 2007-07-13
The normal maps work fine but they still need improvement.
So I went for 3 :
1024*1024 for the head
and 2 2048*2048 for the body
[/ QUOTE ]
wtf? take a look at the dominacewarII models.. they only have one 1024 map.. I think you r going a bit crazy with makin it 9 times bigger!!!
For Unreal Tournament 3!
Take a look at this :
No separate sheet for head and his face is good enough for close up so i think you should stick up with the 3 2k maps. (just my two cents)
I would be interested in seeing the UV layouts for your model for each texture map, to see how you're using the space. By the sound of things I expect the UVs are not very efficient, either that or you've just got room for a crazy amount of detail, which will not only probably take longer to make, but nobody will ever see it in the end anyway since the character won't be 100% filling a whole 1600x1200 screen or whatever.
Just my thoughts on the technical aspects here.
The models and normal maps themselves look pretty good, I just reckon you could get the exact same results with less than half the texture space you're using now.
I just tested my model with 1024*1024 normal maps. I got similar results. So I agree on this part. No need to use huge normal maps, all the details are still well visible.
And even some mistakes are not visible anymore.
However about the diffuse map, I think I will work on 2048*2048 maps. And reduce them to 1024 after.
I have a better control of details like this.
On request, here the UV layouts. If you think they are fine, I will start texturing today if not please tell me how to optimize them :
Also here some of his teammates :
The final in-game characters for Gears of War use on average 2 512x512 sheets (total of 1024x512 for each diffuse/spec/normal), maximum of two 1024x1024 sheets (total of 1024x2048) for each whole character. Their source art was 2 2048x2048 maps, but those aren't used in game for memory saving reasons and probably because you would never see the amount of detail you can fit in the space of 2048x4096 pixels.
[/ QUOTE ]
You sure about that mop? Everywhere i've read stated they used either 2x2048 or 2x1024, but no where that says they brought them down to 2x512.
Thanx for the crits guys
I just tested my model with 1024*1024 normal maps. I got similar results. So I agree on this part. No need to use huge normal maps, all the details are still well visible.
And even some mistakes are not visible anymore.
However about the diffuse map, I think I will work on 2048*2048 maps. And reduce them to 1024 after.
I have a better control of details like this.
On request, here the UV layouts. If you think they are fine, I will start texturing today if not please tell me how to optimize them :
[/ QUOTE ]
Uh I've got an easy way for you to cut your texture usage almost in half.
Mirror most of that stuff.
With the exception of the Face and Torso, everything else can be mirrored.
as for the texture sizes, 2048s are fine, but naturally if you can get away with smaller - by all means
With texture mirroring, I were able to use only two texture maps. Here the new body UVmaps :
I have started to skin the head today :
I would like some opinion about the color schemes.
ATM you still have a lot of wasted space on the UV map, which leads me to think maybe you could fit in that head on there. ATM, your head isn't 1:1 ration with the body, so try shrinking down the head UV's a tad, moving it all about.
I bet you can fit it all on one UV map
Nice work so far.
But the main aim was to understand how work normal maps with this model.
And thanks to the good crits I got there, I can now focus more on the UV layout. I have another model in the work that I will post here soon
Here the progress of the skin :
Finally got my UTIII model in game yesterday
Beta download :
There is just a small issue :
Open the UT3 Editor then open my package ch_xanmac
Browse the material and right click on head normal map :
Choose texture viewer and change the LODGroup to CharacterNormal :
That's the only known issue.
Big thanks to Geodav & Evil_Engine who provided all the infos I need to put my model in game.
More models will be made as soon as EPIC tell us how to make a custom factions.
Enjoy !
Maybe this bright glow is linked to your specular map.
If some area are too white, the engine generate some sort of shining glow.
For a character, here how you must set your textures :
- Diffuse : LodGroup = Character
- Normal : LodGroup = CharacterNormal
- Specular : LodGroup = CharacterSpecular
@ Eclipse, I know I really could give him more shape details on the legs but I just wanted to make an "oldskool" character
Beside I don't want to spend too much time on him.
- Head
- Torso
- Arms
- Thighs
- Boots
- Left ShoulderPack
- Right ShoulderPack
Character thread
Its pretty long read through, but if you're interested in getting a singular mesh into the engine this is where to start. They are breaking through with some interesting stuff.