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Mudbox Local Subdivision

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Makkon polycounter
I'm just curious how you do it the right way. I've tried selecting faces and subdividing those, but that's a horrible mess, with an ugly seam, and you can't go NEAR the edges anymore... Anyone know how to do it right?


  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    That's the way it works. The seam will dissappear if all faces are on the same SD-Level again. And indeed you should keep away from the edges to avoid seams in the sculpting later on. (Or you smooth it out, then. )
    If you accept that it's a cool way of working with highly subdivided meshes even on slower mashines. You should just keep in mind that you have to bring all the parts to that highest level in the end. Or you export or generate your normalmaps from the single pieces and stitch the map in PS.
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