Hey everyone, I've finally managed to get my portfolio off the ground and was looking for some critiques and generally helpful feedback.
There aren't many pieces up as I don't feel like a lot of what I've done is portfolio material, so I apologize for that. Anyway, here's my url below:
The objects you have now show that you can make vehicles and perhaps futuristic props, but show some understanding of composition, lighting, consistency, and all that good stuff.
Downside i it's three pieces presenting good, but generic metal things. Make more pieces with more variety, and you'll be set.
And a resume.
The normal map on that landing pad came out kind of flat, did you project it or paint a height map to get those details? If it is painted you may want to tweek the blue channel to get a little more out of the normal map.
Good show of the skills though. Keep doing what your doing.
I'm certainly taking everyone's advice regarding more variety and working on a medieval piece as we speak.
Sean, I got your email. Talk to you soon