How the hell do you view FX files inside of Maya? The ASHLI shader is complete rubbish. I've tried loading fx files made within max, within rendermonkey, shaderfx, and three other separate FX generation packages, and none of them load up in maya. Or maybe they do, but none of them have loaded the shaders built in GUI, the way that max, and microsoft's directX standalone viewer have. Is there a plugin I can get, or another version of maya (using 8 here) that actually loads the most standard realtime shader format there is?
it also has code for max so you can see the differences. I'll play with this later and see if I can add spec, normal, etc to it.
edit: just to clarify, I didn't write this just found it.
In fairness, Maya is OpenGL based, so the work from going from FX (HLSL/direct X based) to openGL or GLSL real time display isn't easy, as it is for Max. So the pipeline isn't going to be straightforward.
My only suggestion is, take a look at highend3d shaders, like Vailias suggested, and see what differentiates them from a max fx file (which is also somewhat different from an FX composer fx file... which is different from a rendermonkey fx file...).
Once you figure it out (honestly, if you know HLSL, it shouldn't take more than a few hours to a day), I'm sure its not too difficult.
You should just have to load it up in the Plugins-Manager - it's called "cgfxShader.mll" - the new Material Type will then show up in the Material Editor.
Maybe you can get those .fx files to work with that