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Mythic WAR tomb

Hi everyone,

So this is my first post here on polycount. I've looked over the forums quite a bit and finally got some work to post for critique. I included the image I worked from off of Mythics concept on their upcoming Warhammer online game, let me know what you think and any suggestions on how to make it better. Thanks in advance.




  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Looks nice, but a few things really deviate from the concept, to the model's detriment, I think.

    Here are a few things I feel you should address:

    -Why are the only variations in the stone foundation horizontal? The concept had some awesome height variation that really , I think, sells the piece.

    -Why no piling skulls in the sides? Looks like one of the key elements of the original concept

    - Why is the only ivy in the tiling wall texture? Get some alpha planes on the sides for the thicker stuff; the concept made particular note of the detail and it'll bulk up the silhouette rather nicely.

    Aside from that, good painting. I'm sure one of the mythic guys will give you a much better critique pretty soon. smile.gif
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    I have to agree, the texture work is pretty nice. My only gripe with it is that there's too much noise and it makes the actual model painful to look at.

    The roofing sticks out too far on the front and back, with nothing seemingly holding them there. It just looks awkward.

    Unless you are trying to follow the concept art directly, I'm going to have to disagree with Suprore on this one. While variations in height on the stone foundation might look nice, it definitely isn't the highlight of the piece.

    The textures could use some extra detail/wear and tear abuse. Particularly on the roof.
  • StJoris
    The texture flats look really cool, nice style. But they somehow don't come across that well on the model.

    I digg the statueettes to the front of the building, why didn't you include that in the model?

    The ivy is very abundant in your concept and sets a good mood, but it is too globally applied in your textures, to make in impact. I'd say more, more! But use alpha planes instead to locally apply them.
  • allyx
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    allyx polycounter lvl 17
    Nice style, but the texture needs some more work. Some of details looks washed. The stone texture on bottom seems so blurry compared to builing the walls with sharper and finer details.

    The roof texture needs to be broken up more, the wood grains are running over to the neighboring tiles.
  • Birdman
    Just want to say thanks for the crits, and I will try everything, once again thanks.

  • makoa
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    makoa polycounter lvl 17
    nice! i'd say darken the roof, lighten the stones, add more shadows. everything's a little washed out right now, which makes it difficult to read. separating the elements with different values will help:

    quick paintover: upped the contrast, darkened a few spots, upped the saturation:

    good work! keep it up!
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    so heres me, giving crits to a Mythic employee:

    how about baking some shadows into that?
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    quick one here

    Aim for the concept more. Specifically, the proportions look way off.

    Your bricks are a tiling brick wall, but you can plainly see in the concept it’s more of a stacked brick (from the side). The base stone doesn’t match at all, repaint this one and match colors.

    Add more depth to the roof. The transition seen in the concept from roof to stone isn’t there at all.

    Overall, your modeling looks pretty good, has a nice wonky shape too it, and I like your brick texture, it’s just wrong.
  • Noonie
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    Noonie polycounter lvl 17
    Hows the update coming?
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    first texture sheet is blurry and noisy.
    second is nice but a little bit blury on the stone, third is really nice, 4th is ok. bu the verticle streakin on the tiles just are an obvious over lay and just go across the whole thing independant of the tile shapes.

    i don't know how you took these screen shots but the quality of your textures do not show up, and makes the piece look bad. the model itself looks pretty good. tho i'd prefer to see the roof sag in the middle rather than hump out. also as cholden mentioned the brick is a good texture, but is not what is in the concept.

    keep going and good lucks
  • The Umbrella Man
    It's been said, but you don't have any shadows on the texture which is a little distracting, but not all that bad considering the game it goes in may have dynamic light. The thing that kills it for me is that in some places the texture shows it's seams, and it's all way too muted in color. It's seems to need more saturation, and way more highlights, because as it stands, it all just kind blurs together and makes it hard to read.

    Overall I think the peice would be better if you stuck to the concept and unwrapped the whole thing instead of using tileables.
  • Birdman
    Hello again everyone. Thanks for the posts, and I tried my best to take in what ya'll had to say. With that being said, here is an updated model. I think it turned out better.
    I think I am going to move on to a new model to keep practicing, But any suggestions or critiques are still very welcomed and please let me know if theres anything more I should fix on this in the future. Thanks again for all the help.


  • ghost-d
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    ghost-d polycounter lvl 17
    Looks really nice.

    My opinion:
    One thing that can bring your screenshots down on quality (and I don´t really want to say that there would be something wrong about the model or texture) is the userview you used on your latest pics (I guess). Maybe if you showed us some perspective view grabs from the same angle like the one on the concept, it could give us a better idea of how similar is your model (and the applied texture) to the concept.
  • Birdman
  • Mark Dygert
    Looking top notch! My only beef would be you need to do a a very light defused shadow bake, maybe even put in some procedural grime/gradient and bake it too. Each piece is popping a tiny bit too much on their own and needs to be unified. You've done a good job adjusting that on your own by tweaking the texture maps but its time to tie it all in and make the whole thing pop as one piece =)

    Really good work!
  • tofugorilla
    Good Progress. I would add a gradient to the roof and do a levels adjust on the textures and make all the black a really dark grey. Maybe some supports underneath the roof overhang? Looks a little bare in there. You could do the shadows under the overhang with a simple alpha too. smile.gif

    How's your UV pixel density? Looks a bit uneven in spots.
  • Brian Miller
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    Brian Miller polycounter lvl 18
    Birdman has now been officially assimilated into the Mythic workforce. Congratulations are in order. Great job man, it's going to be awesome working with you.

    Now you just gotta stop working in USER view laugh.gif.
  • Birdman
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