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  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    It was pretty good. I'm not sure which one I liked more, Deathproof or Planet Terror. However there were likes and dislikes in both.

    Deathproof had a little bit too much dialog in it for me, but it is Quentin.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    *Sorry if this spoils anything*

    Planet Terror was amazing but, in my opinion, Death Proof would have been a million times better if, in between the car action, there was only like...10 minutes of dialogue rather than half an hour or more. It became really boring and really made me dislike the movie. I'm a HUGE Tarantino fan but, for some reason, this movie really didn't seem to live up to his usual greatness. All of the action scenes were amazing and, again, the dialogie would have been great if it's wasn't pointless, boring and overly long. Usually in his movies the witty dialogue makes you interested in the character and usually helps set some sort of scene or at least give some amount of depth...this time it was just lame.

    Planet Terror was the better movie, I think. Way more over the top and once you get used to that, you can really get into it. Maybe I'm just isappointed because I was expecting so much more from Tarantino?

    Anyways, it was alright...

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Apparently death proof is a really cut up version of the whole thing which will be included in a dvd release.... Makes me unsure if I wanna see the theatre version.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Apparently death proof is a really cut up version of the whole thing which will be included in a dvd release....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haha, man ... if THAT version of Death Proof was an edited down one, then I will definitely fall asleep during the full one. I am a huge fanboy for Tarantino but Deathproof was for sure not Walk-Out-of-the-Theatreproof.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    i heard death proof has that much dialogue because it's supposed to be like a typical 70ies car chase movie, all those movies spent most of their budget on 30 minutes of awesome car chasing and then had an hour left to fill.
    Anyways I cant WAIT for this, but apparently in europe it will come out as 2 seperate films, it sucks frown.gif.
  • erik!
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome. I had a huge grin on my face for most of the movie(s). Planet Terror was cool, a lot of the gross-out stuff reminded me of early Peter Jackson, but I think I actually enjoyed Death Proof even more. The dialog does drag on at some parts, but with Tarantino that's to be expected. The car chases/wrecks were FUCKING AWESOME. I especially love that the movie involved 70s muscle cars in a present-day setting, so all the other cars on the road were modern cars. I don't know why, but something about a Challenger and Charger swerving in and out of and sideswiping modern cars seems so cool.

    Oh yeah, and the fake trailers were fucking hilarious. Nicolas Cage as Fu Manchu in "Werewolf Women of the SS" ftw!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Awesome experience at the movies, for sure. Both movies kicked ass, but I think I liked Death Proof more-so. I enjoyed the dialog (and at times, the camera work) and that action scene was awesome.

    I like how the Kiwi mentions she'd like to drive an old muscle car and the entire time they were in an oldschool (not sure how far back) Mustang.
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    Planet Terror hit all the right notes for me smile.gif

    Ok honey, be careful with that gun....
  • Sayanora
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    Sayanora polycounter lvl 11
    Saw it the other night and loved Planet Terror! I'll take anything Rodriguez does over Tarantino any day. Death proof, not so much. Not to say that Kurt Russell wasn't awesome, but like some of the aforementioned gripes, I nearly fell asleep twice in the theater due to strung out conversations going nowhere fast. Not good folks smile.gif

    "Ok honey, be careful with that gun.... "

    *warning spoiler*

    I can't believe that kid shot himself! Plus, the remarks he was making earlier in the movie were freaking crazy.

    Also, Rose McGowan rocket jumps! So much ridiculous, but so enjoyable laugh.gif
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    I rather enjoyed it, planet terrors over the top craziness is what i loved about it,thats what it was supposed to be. Death proof could have had a little less dialogue but the ending was pretty damn good.

    anyone catch some of the Kill Bill references?
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I really loved the whole thing. No one has really mentioned the trailers, but they were goddamn HILARIOUS! Machete, Don't! and Thanksgiving all had me in stitches, and I really wanted to see Machete as a full length movie!

    Planet Terror was awesome, it had that great Rodriguez flare to it, with so many main characters dying suddenly, and the great over the top action! Fergie dies! HA!

    Personally I liked Death Proof and didn't fault it for having so much dialogue. It's an obvious homage to car movies of the time he was emulating. Those type of movies DRAGGED, but always would have a good lengthy car chase or two. The ending was awesome.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    I liked Deathproof over Planet Terror.
    Actually, I would have watched an entire movie of those previews. smile.gif
    Over the top characters like Machete should be a modeling challenge in the future

    - BoBo
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Loved the whole movie, I liked Deathproof more, the ending was soooo awesome.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, I would have watched an entire movie of those previews.

    [/ QUOTE ]Machette is apparently on the way, due to very popular demand.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    oh yeah, not all of the trailers were fake: Women in Cages
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18

    I think Thanksgiving was one of the funniest trailers. When they take of the sheet and there is a dude done up like a turkey with a thermometer up his ass is priceless.
    I Likede both. planet terror had me the whole way through, Deathproof kind of dragged in the beginning but as soon as that car of Chicks got messed up in the head on collision I woke up. Lots of ass closups =teh win.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Planet Terror and the previews were amazing. Deathproof was like watching Sex In The City with a car crash. I wanted to claw my eyes out and stuff them in my ears. The only good thing about Deathproof was every time Kurt Russel was in a scene.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Planet Terror and the previews were amazing. Deathproof was like watching Sex In The City with a car crash. I wanted to claw my eyes out and stuff them in my ears. The only good thing about Deathproof was every time Kurt Russel was in a scene.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Amen. Everyone is entitled their own opinions of course, but you are the first to share mine on Deathproof. It's like I was taking crazy pills!

    I love Tarantino for his dialogue ... but the pointless stuff about getting some pot and going to the lake house and New Zealand vs. Aussie was just YAWN.
  • skankerzero
    Planet Terror was badass.

    Loved the commercials.

    Death Proof did drag a bit, but the car chase was amazing. Wonder what the pacing will be like with the missing scenes.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i loved it. was fuckin long too, every ounce of it was awesome smile.gif

    have a new found appreciation for kiwis :P

    Definately the "feel good movie" of the year.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    "I loved the Movie and miss Rosario Dawson!"

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios

    PS: Eli Roth is one sick bastard!
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