Hey guys,
I'm trying to make a model of Davy Jones for a pirates of the Caribbean game (yeah, I know it's old). I have almost finished the mesh - more or less just tweaking at this point, but when I load it into the conversion tool created for the game, there are holes in the mesh. Some of these holes fill when viewed from different angles. I dismissed it as probably being a problem with the Normals, and continued tweaking away - but when I checked the Normals - they were all pointing in the right direction. Any idea what the problem could be? Here is a picture:
Ignore the skeleton being in the wrong place- I haven't moved the model to fit the skeleton yet.
Were you ever able to get past this problem?
But in some cases i've had to use the obj method because xform didnt work.
Thank you very, very much for your help by the way - If this model does get up and running it's largely from your help. Thanks!
Delete history, Freeze Transformations, and Polygons->Cleanup (check the help file for tool description). Also, Normals->Set to Face. And go to yoru attribute editor for the object, Render Settings, and uncheck "Double Sided."
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Do all of what professor420 said, but also triangulate before export. For example, the Unreal exporter plugin used with Maya has an option to auto-triangulate your static meshes on export for you. It doesn't have that option for characters, so you have to triangulate manually or you lose half of each quad.