Announced only moments ago. So you guys are getting it first.
Saddle your war-mammoth and grab your sword, brave adventurer. Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is finally about to charge into external beta.
[/ QUOTE ]
In other news, today I've been with Funcom for one year.

Anyway, I've signed up.
Gonna sign up for this one even though I never seem to get into these things.
Here is an example of the lore masters attacks:
Blinding Flash: A blinding flash accompanied by a loud crack and the smell of gunpowder causes the target to stop all action. Any damage caused to the target will break its stupor.
Gust of Wind: Air swirls around the target, kicking up debris and other objects that can cause damage to enemies.
kind of lame
Conan does look promising though, thanks for heads up.
I just hope the pvp in conan is top notch. If not... well.. I can see War take the throne as the pvp king. I loved the DAOC pvp.
I like the more mature and gritty feel AOC has though. Chopping peoples heads off is always fun!