hey i found some images while searching on google for "head reference"

it was some kind of chinese site so i didn't understand it at all but isn't the person on the first image, 4th row all the way to the left poopinmymouth? what is he doing on a chinese site i don't understand :P
am i right or not?
I think he was charged with "poop in public".
This is new PR company for capture Japan!!!
you can find and his body in referents...try searching harder
p.s. sorry PooP i have unmasked your plan
that Angelina Jolie one was made by a guy who used to frequent here named Pornstar. he was pretty good if i remember correctly
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Yeah now that you mention it... That guy seem to have dissapeared, or is he one of those that changes his nickname to his real name like me?
Ah well just pop me a pm or reply here if anyone wants the zipped files.
that Angelina Jolie one was made by a guy who used to frequent here named Pornstar. he was pretty good if i remember correctly
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Yeah now that you mention it... That guy seem to have dissapeared, or is he one of those that changes his nickname to his real name like me?
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I don't really remember pornstar doing AJ but he was constantly pimping his Britney Spears head model!
I remember he alwasy had a Yankees avatar and he told us about walking around in New York after 911.
I miss him!!
put in the link and put simp chinese to english,
then you can read it in english,
they are selling illegal dvds of my friends work,
i just showed him,he has the videos free to download,here,
here is the same site selling them,
its the 1st dvd modeling in 3ds max 8,
he made the videos and you can get them on his site,
owell i just showed him,and we cant find a email address to ask them to remove this,
if anyone can help,let me know ok,
Was it japanese or chinese? Because I hear poop is huge in Japan.
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