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floating geometry for normal maps....

polycounter lvl 18
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fritz polycounter lvl 18
ola!!! hey, i have a quick question about floating geo for normal maps. i understand how it works technically. i'm just wondering how you guys go about setting the floaty bits up. i mean how exactly do you specify the orientation of the floaty bits for the normals to read right?

oh and i'm using max 8. the main reason i'm wondering is for multiple small parts. like rivets and stuff.

thanks...sorry for all the questions. i looked it up but get lots of links to "floating point calculations". haha.



  • sprunghunt
    Offline / Send Message
    sprunghunt polycounter
    You could use the normal align tool or I believe you can use a 'object paint' type tool if you have polyboost. I don't use polyboost however - I just use normal align.
  • fritz
    Offline / Send Message
    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    awesome...i'll try both. thanks so much mang.

  • fritz
    Offline / Send Message
    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    i'm trying the normal align tool in max...but i can't seem to get anything to "align" the normal. i'm trying to align a small cylinder to the face of a larger cylinder. i click on normal align...the cursor changes...but i can't get anything to happen.
  • StJoris
    Offline / Send Message
    This might help, thank the guys at 3d-palace forum for posting this one. Neat-o little placement tool, just do a new script, paste this in there, save it and run it.

    <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> offsetY = 20

    globalZero = Point3 0 0 0

    globalFirstHit = TRUE

    globalDistNode = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalDistNodeMirror = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)

    globalHairCopy = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalHairCopyMirror = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)

    globalLastNode = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalLastNodeMirror = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalLastPos = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalLastNormal = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalLastPosMirror = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalLastNormalMirror = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
    globalLastStr = 1
    globalLastRadius = 1

    globalUseDist = #(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE)

    globalHairPos = #(globalZero,globalZero,globalZero )
    globalHairNormal = #(globalZero,globalZero,globalZero)

    globalHairPosMirror = #(globalZero,globalZero,globalZero )
    globalHairNormalMirror = #(globalZero,globalZero,globalZero)
    globalAlignNormal = 3
    globalAlignStroke = 1

    globalScaleOption = 1
    globalScaleNormal = TRUE
    globalScaleStroke = TRUE
    globalScaleStrength = TRUE
    globalScaleX = 1.0
    globalScaleY = 1.0
    globalScaleZ = 1.0

    globalSourceNode = #()

    globalInstance = FALSE

    matrix3 fn GetMatrix hairPos mousePos normal str radius =
    tm = matrix3 1
    strNormal = 1
    normalBase = 1
    strengthBase = 1
    strokeBase = 1
    strStroke = 1
    strStrength = 1

    xvec = Point3 1 0 0
    yvec = Point3 0 1 0
    zvec = Point3 0 0 1
    mouseVec = Point3 1 0 0

    zvec = normalize normal

    mouseVec = mousePos - hairPos

    mouseVec = normalize mouseVec

    xvec = cross mouseVec zvec
    xvec = Normalize xvec

    yvec = cross zvec xvec
    yvec = normalize yvec

    if (globalScaleOption == 1) then
    else if (globalScaleOption == 2) then
    str = globalScaleX
    if (globalScaleY > str) then str = globalScaleY
    if (globalScaleZ > str) then str = globalScaleZ
    str = Length(mousePos - hairPos)/str
    xvec = xvec * str
    yvec = yvec * str
    zvec = zvec * str
    else if (globalScaleOption == 3) then
    if (globalScaleNormal) then
    strNormal = str*thePainterInterface.normalScale
    if (globalAlignNormal == 1) then
    normalBase = globalScaleX
    else if (globalAlignNormal == 2) then
    normalBase = globalScaleY
    else if (globalAlignNormal == 3) then
    normalBase = globalScaleZ

    strNormal = strNormal/normalBase
    zvec = zvec * strNormal

    if (globalScaleStroke) then
    strStroke = Length(mousePos - hairPos)
    if (globalAlignStroke == 1) then
    strokeBase = globalScaleX
    else if (globalAlignStroke == 2) then
    strokeBase = globalScaleY
    else if (globalAlignStroke == 3) then
    strokeBase = globalScaleZ

    strStroke = strStroke/strokeBase
    yvec = yvec * strStroke

    if (globalScaleStrength) then
    strStrength = radius
    if (globalAlignStroke == 1)then
    if (globalAlignNormal == 2)then
    strengthBase = globalScaleZ
    else if (globalAlignNormal == 3)then
    strengthBase = globalScaleY
    else if (globalAlignStroke == 2)then
    if (globalAlignNormal == 1)then
    strengthBase = globalScaleZ
    else if (globalAlignNormal == 3)then
    strengthBase = globalScaleX
    if (globalAlignStroke == 3)then
    if (globalAlignNormal == 1)then
    strengthBase = globalScaleY
    else if (globalAlignNormal == 2)then
    strengthBase = globalScaleX
    strStrength = strStrength/strengthBase
    xvec = xvec * strStrength


    if (globalAlignNormal == 1) then
    tm.row3 = xvec
    if (globalAlignStroke == 2) then
    tm.row1 = yvec
    tm.row2 = zvec
    tm.row1 = zvec
    tm.row2 = yvec

    else if (globalAlignNormal == 2) then
    tm.row3 = yvec
    if (globalAlignStroke == 1) then
    tm.row1 = xvec
    tm.row2 = zvec
    tm.row1 = zvec
    tm.row2 = xvec
    tm.row3 = zvec
    if (globalAlignStroke == 1) then
    tm.row1 = yvec
    tm.row2 = xvec
    tm.row1 = xvec
    tm.row2 = yvec

    tm.row4 = hairPos

    return tm

    fn StartStroke =
    globalFirstHit = TRUE

    fn PlaceStroke =

    localHit = Point3 0 0 0
    localNormal = Point3 0 0 0
    worldHit = Point3 0 0 0
    worldNormal = Point3 0 0 0
    str = 0.0f
    radius = 0.0f
    if (globalFirstHit == TRUE) then
    globalFirstHit = FALSE
    undo on
    for i = 1 to 3 do
    if (globalUseDist) then
    if (globalInstance) then globalHairCopy = instance globalDistNode
    else globalHairCopy = copy globalDistNode

    thePainterInterface.getHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal &radius &str 0

    globalHairPos = worldHit
    globalHairNormal = worldNormal

    if (thePainterInterface.mirrorEnable == TRUE) then
    if (globalInstance) then globalHairCopyMirror = instance globalDistNode
    else globalHairCopyMirror = copy globalDistNode
    thePainterInterface.getMirrorHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal 0
    globalHairPosMirror = worldHit
    globalHairNormalMirror = worldNormal



    --retrieves the last hit point
    thePainterInterface.getHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal &radius &str 0

    --This gets whether the stroke point actually hit the mesh
    --Since the user can paint off the mesh
    --Right now we ignore this and create a cylinder regardless if they are painting on the mesh or not
    hit = thePainterInterface.getIsHit -1

    thePainterInterface.offMeshHitPos = globalHairPos[1]

    for i = 1 to 3 do
    if (globalUseDist) then

    globalScaleX = abs (globalDistNode.max[1] - globalDistNode.pos[1])
    globalScaleY = abs (globalDistNode.max[2] - globalDistNode.pos[2])
    globalScaleZ = abs (globalDistNode.max[3] - globalDistNode.pos[3])

    minScaleX = abs (globalDistNode.min[1] - globalDistNode.pos[1])
    minScaleY = abs (globalDistNode.min[2] - globalDistNode.pos[2])
    minScaleZ = abs (globalDistNode.min[3] - globalDistNode.pos[3])

    if (minScaleX > globalScaleX) then globalScaleX = minScaleX
    if (minScaleY > globalScaleY) then globalScaleY = minScaleY
    if (minScaleZ > globalScaleZ) then globalScaleZ = minScaleZ

    tm = matrix3 1

    globalHairCopy.transform = GetMatrix globalHairPos worldHit globalHairNormal str radius

    --checks if the mirror is on, if so make sure to get that point and proces it also
    if (thePainterInterface.mirrorEnable == TRUE) then
    -- Put mirror stuff here
    thePainterInterface.getMirrorHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal 0
    globalHairCopyMirror.transform = GetMatrix globalHairPosMirror worldHit globalHairNormalMirror str radius



    fn PaintStroke =

    localHit = Point3 0 0 0
    localNormal = Point3 0 0 0
    worldHit = Point3 0 0 0
    mirrorWorldHit = Point3 0 0 0
    worldNormal = Point3 0 0 0
    str = 0.0f
    radius = 0.0f

    for i = 1 to 3 do
    if (globalUseDist) then
    if (globalInstance) then globalHairCopy = instance globalDistNode
    else globalHairCopy = copy globalDistNode

    thePainterInterface.getHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal &radius &str 0

    globalHairPos = worldHit
    globalHairNormal = worldNormal

    if (thePainterInterface.mirrorEnable == TRUE) then
    if (globalInstance) then globalHairCopyMirror = instance globalDistNode
    else globalHairCopyMirror = copy globalDistNode
    thePainterInterface.getMirrorHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal 0
    globalHairPosMirror = worldHit
    globalHairNormalMirror = worldNormal

    --retrieves the last hit point
    thePainterInterface.getHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &worldHit &worldNormal &radius &str 0

    --This gets whether the stroke point actually hit the mesh
    --Since the user can paint off the mesh
    --Right now we ignore this and create a cylinder regardless if they are painting on the mesh or not
    hit = thePainterInterface.getIsHit -1

    thePainterInterface.offMeshHitPos = globalHairPos[1]

    for i = 1 to 3 do
    if (globalUseDist) then

    globalScaleX = abs (globalDistNode.max[1] - globalDistNode.pos[1])
    globalScaleY = abs (globalDistNode.max[2] - globalDistNode.pos[2])
    globalScaleZ = abs (globalDistNode.max[3] - globalDistNode.pos[3])

    minScaleX = abs (globalDistNode.min[1] - globalDistNode.pos[1])
    minScaleY = abs (globalDistNode.min[2] - globalDistNode.pos[2])
    minScaleZ = abs (globalDistNode.min[3] - globalDistNode.pos[3])

    if (minScaleX > globalScaleX) then globalScaleX = minScaleX
    if (minScaleY > globalScaleY) then globalScaleY = minScaleY
    if (minScaleZ > globalScaleZ) then globalScaleZ = minScaleZ

    tm = matrix3 1

    projVec = Point3 0 0 1
    if (thePainterInterface.getHitCount() > 1) then projVec = worldHit + (worldHit - globalLastPos)
    else projVec = worldHit

    globalHairCopy.transform = GetMatrix globalHairPos projVec globalHairNormal str radius

    --checks if the mirror is on, if so make sure to get that point and proces it also
    if (thePainterInterface.mirrorEnable == TRUE) then
    -- Put mirror stuff here
    thePainterInterface.getMirrorHitPointData &localHit &localNormal &mirrorWorldHit &worldNormal 0

    if (thePainterInterface.getHitCount() > 1) then projVec = mirrorWorldHit + (mirrorWorldHit - globalLastPosMirror)
    else projVec = mirrorWorldHit

    globalHairCopyMirror.transform = GetMatrix globalHairPosMirror projVec globalHairNormalMirror str radius


    if (thePainterInterface.getHitCount() > 1) then
    for i = 1 to 3 do
    if (globalUseDist) then
    globalLastNode.transform = GetMatrix globalLastPos worldHit globalLastNormal globalLastStr globalLastRadius

    if (thePainterInterface.mirrorEnable == TRUE) then
    globalLastNodeMirror.transform = GetMatrix globalLastPosMirror mirrorWorldHit globalLastNormalMirror globalLastStr globalLastRadius



    for i = 1 to 3 do
    if (globalUseDist) then
    globalLastNode = globalHairCopy
    globalLastNodeMirror = globalHairCopyMirror
    globalLastPos = globalHairPos
    globalLastNormal = globalHairNormal
    globalLastPosMirror = globalHairPosMirror
    globalLastNormalMirror = globalHairNormalMirror
    globalLastStr = str
    globalLastRadius = radius


    fn CancelStroke =

    fn EndStroke =

    fn systemEnd =
    PaintHairRollout.PaintButton.checked = off
    PaintHairRollout.PlaceButton.checked = off

    rollout PaintHairRollout "Paremeters" width:211 height:300

    Button SourceButton "Set Sel. As Source" pos:[86,10] width:101 height:24
    label SourceObject "Source Object" pos:[11,16] width:72 height:15

    pickButton Dist1Button "Pick Distribution 1" pos:[86,41] width:101 height:24
    pickButton Dist2Button "Pick Distribution 2" pos:[86,70] width:101 height:24
    pickButton Dist3Button "Pick Distribution 3" pos:[86,101] width:101 height:24
    checkbox UseDist1 "Use As Dist" pos:[7,45] width:76 height:15
    checkbox UseDist2 "Use As Dist" pos:[7,74] width:76 height:15
    checkbox UseDist3 "Use As Dist" pos:[7,104] width:76 height:15

    checkButton PlaceButton "Place" pos:[7,135] width:104 height:24
    checkButton PaintButton "Paint" pos:[7,163] width:104 height:24
    button Options "..." pos:[113,135] width:41 height:24

    checkbox UseInstance "Instance Copies" pos:[7,193] width:120 height:15

    label Align "Align Objects " pos:[2,198+offsetY] width:66 height:15
    label Align2 " Axis To Normal " pos:[108,198+offsetY] width:92 height:15
    dropDownList AlignNormal "" pos:[72,198+offsetY] width:37 height:21 items:#("X", "Y", "Z") selection:3

    label Align3 "Align Objects " pos:[2,222+offsetY] width:66 height:15
    label Align4 " Axis To Stroke " pos:[108,222+offsetY] width:92 height:15
    dropDownList AlignStroke "" pos:[72,222+offsetY] width:37 height:21 items:#("X", "Y", "Z") selection:1

    label Align5 "Scale Options " pos:[2,246+offsetY] width:66 height:15
    dropDownList ScaleOptions "" pos:[72,246+offsetY] width:100 height:21 items:#("None", "Uniform Scale", "Custom Scale") selection:1

    checkbox chkScaleNormal "Scale Based On Normal" pos:[28,272+offsetY] width:145 height:22 checked:true
    checkbox chkScaleStroke "Scale Based On Stroke" pos:[28,292+offsetY] width:145 height:22 checked:true
    checkbox chkScaleStrength "Scale Based On Strength" pos:[28,312+offsetY] width:145 height:22 checked:true

    on SourceButton pressed do
    globalSourceNode = $

    on Dist1Button picked obj do
    globalDistNode[1] = obj
    Dist1Button.text = obj.name
    UseDist1.checked = TRUE
    globalUseDist[1] = TRUE
    on Dist2Button picked obj do
    globalDistNode[2] = obj
    Dist2Button.text = obj.name
    UseDist2.checked = TRUE
    globalUseDist[2] = TRUE
    on Dist3Button picked obj do
    globalDistNode[3] = obj
    Dist3Button.text = obj.name
    UseDist3.checked = TRUE
    globalUseDist[3] = TRUE
    on UseDist1 changed state do
    globalUseDist[1] = state
    on UseDist2 changed state do
    globalUseDist[2] = state
    on UseDist3 changed state do
    globalUseDist[3] = state

    on UseInstance changed state do
    globalInstance = state

    on PlaceButton changed state do
    if (PaintButton.checked) then
    PaintButton.checked = FALSE

    if thePainterInterface.InPaintMode() then
    PlaceButton.checked = FALSE
    PaintButton.checked = FALSE
    PlaceButton.checked = TRUE

    thePainterInterface.initializeNodes 0 globalSourceNode

    thePainterInterface.pointGatherEnable = FALSE
    thePainterInterface.buildNormals = TRUE
    thePainterInterface.offMeshHitType = 2
    thePainterInterface.drawTrace = FALSE

    thePainterInterface.ScriptFunctions startStroke placeStroke endStroke cancelStroke systemEnd



    on PaintButton changed state do
    if (PlaceButton.checked) then
    PlaceButton.checked = FALSE

    if thePainterInterface.InPaintMode() then
    PaintButton.checked = FALSE
    PaintButton.checked = TRUE

    thePainterInterface.initializeNodes 0 globalSourceNode

    thePainterInterface.pointGatherEnable = FALSE
    thePainterInterface.buildNormals = TRUE
    thePainterInterface.offMeshHitType = 2
    thePainterInterface.drawTrace = FALSE

    thePainterInterface.ScriptFunctions startStroke paintStroke endStroke cancelStroke systemEnd



    On Options pressed do

    on AlignNormal selected sel do
    globalAlignNormal = sel
    on AlignStroke selected sel do
    globalAlignStroke = sel

    on ScaleOptions selected sel do
    globalScaleOption = sel

    on chkScaleNormal changed state do
    globalScaleNormal = state

    on chkScaleStrength changed state do
    globalScaleStrength = state

    on chkScaleStroke changed state do
    globalScaleStroke = state

    on PaintHairRollout oktoclose do

    -- create the rollout window and add the rollout
    if FloaterExampleFloater != undefined do
    closerolloutfloater FloaterExampleFloater
    Floater = newRolloutFloater "Paint Hair Floater" 220 425
    addRollout PaintHairRollout Floater

    </pre><hr />
  • fritz
    Offline / Send Message
    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    good lord!!!!!
  • fritz
    Offline / Send Message
    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    OK...got home and got a chance to mess round w/this. after figuring out what to do....this is EXACTLY what i was looking for. StJoris...thanks so much man. beers on me!!!
  • sprunghunt
    Offline / Send Message
    sprunghunt polycounter
    [ QUOTE ]
    i'm trying the normal align tool in max...but i can't seem to get anything to "align" the normal.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Normal align works by aligning one normal on one object to the normal on another object.

    To use it you:

    - Select the object to be aligned
    - then click on the normal align tool
    - then click on a face on the object you want to align. This will display a small stick which shows you what the 1st normal is. You can hold down your mouse button to change the sample position of this normal interactively.

    - Now click on a face that you want to align the 1st normal to. Again this will show you a small stick that is the 2nd normal and you can move it around by holding down your mouse.
    - when this happens you'll get a dialog that asks if you want to do further transforms to your object (you can rotate it for example or use the reverse of the 1st normal)

    So for example you could align a cylinder to a sphere by clicking on the bottom of the cylinder with the normal align tool and then clicking on the surface of the sphere and selecting 'invert normals'.

    And that's how it works cool.gif
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