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arsh's maya questions



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    well surely in maya if you have a non-planar quad in the view pane, it will still have to be two triangles, and you'll be able to see which way it's triangulated if you rotate the view to an appropriate angle (ie. when a quad could be either convex or concave depending on triangulation).
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    well yes, I'm just saying that I think its the render routine that handles the triangulation so the edges on non planar quads tend to shift based on the angle between verts, rather than having the internal edges fully defined but hidden from user input.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys, another Max to Maya problem/question...

    My studio requires me to learn Maya as well and I am having an odd problems with my tablet lagging when i use it to navigate in Maya.

    It seems to work fine in photoshop cs3 but trying to do something in maya is a slugfest.

    I am on Windows Vista and Maya 8.0 ...

    Also, is there a way to set up the manipulator to allow me to move my selections along only 2 axis ... Kind of how the Max gizmo allows you to perform translations along 2 axis in one motion without having to leave perspective view.

    Thanks guys smile.gif
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Not sure about the tablet thing, since I haven't experienced it on my Windows XP laptop.

    Edit: To constrain movement along only two axis with the move tool, hold control, and on the translate gizmo, left-click the axis you wish to exclude from movement. I.E. if you ctrl+left-click the x-axis, you will only be able to move using the y and z axis. To return to the usual 3 axis movement, ctrl+left-click at the center of the gizmo.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Another thing... I love edgeextrude in Max and the extrudeface function doesnt seem to work as fluidly as shift-dragging in max ... having to reset the extrude angle each with with the manipulator is quite annoying and take consuming rather than having fluidity in my polystrips .. Is there anything in maya that works similarly to edge extrude ?

    Also, what is the appropriate "ignore backfaces" option in Maya ?

    Thanks guys
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