Ok so I have trashed the old site and I am making an new one. Right now I am just using my roommates hosting. I'll get that all setup when this is finished.
Heres where I am at so far: (very early on with this)
[Known Issues]
-Page seems to be loading slow for me. This used to be because the CSS gallery was loading the thumbnails at full size but I fixed that. My connections just been slow lately so I can't tell if its me or the page.
-IE does not like my CSS right now, but I am pretty sure I know how to fix that.
-Page Untitled.
-Still need descriptions for gallery thumbs.
-Gallery needs to be reworked so users dont need to press back. Ideally clicking the image will take them back or maybe I'll work in a slide show system. I have not quite decided yet.
-Aesthetically, lots things to do.
-I also think Im going to be getting rid of everything after the Mail man.. but I'll see what you guys think.
-I'm not sure how it fairs with other resolutions.
[Edit] Also need to put contact info on every page. Probably in top left.. we'll see.
Im sure there is other stuff I am leaving out. If anyone notices anything I forgot to list or has some other issues/ideas I'd appriciate your insight.
PS: Please nobody link that "Is your portfolio repelling jobs" article. Please.
I also still think your header is needlessly too large. Maybe make those blue stripes run verticle over near the menu so you can get the thumbs starting from the top. I just can't think of any good reason to have that much empty space at the top of your page.
Nice work you've developed over the past few months.
It looks good though I like the idea of pop up thumbnails
The site's totally broken in Opera 9, too. No images, links, etc... and everything's positioned way down the bottom-left.
When I turn off CSS, I can see the images and stuff, though. Some nice work, you never told me you'd finished the post-apoc mailman
Same here as for Mike, on IE, and everything is pushed to the far left. I can only see half of the leftmost images (barrel and red demon). There might be more stuff out in the cold, cold left but I can't see it.
Polycount, texturesizes and site address on all images.
I would check the compression of your images. You should be able to have much bigger images if you want the limit to be at 250k.
You might want a title other than "Untitled document" on your page.
This css stuff is becomming more trouble than its worth. Especially since I am only making this site 2 pages.
Small update [same url as before]. I spent most of the day battling IE to get pngs working, which I still havent. Any version of IE prior to 5.5 dont support an AlphaImageLoader filter and the newer versions that do support it wont let me use it on a tiled png.
Oh well sleep time. I'll have more time to sink into this tomorrow.
Thanks guys. If anyones knows about this kind of stuff it'd be really cool to get some more direct feedback over AIM/MSN ( matt22181/matt22181@hotmail.com ).
here is a little bit of knowledge you may want to use for the images?
text Link:
<a href="#"onClick="MyWindow=window.open('http://www.yoursite.com/popup.html','MyWindow1','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no, status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=300,height=300,left=50,top=50'); return false;">Link Name</A>
Image Link:
<a href="#" onClick="MyWindow=window.open('http://www.yoursite.com/popup.html','MyWindow1','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=250,height=200,left=50,top=50'); return false;"><img src="YOUR IMAGE.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="youralt"></A>
just a simple pop up window. you could set a div height and width for the images to resize to. Then size the pop up to the size of the images or whateva.
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="content">
Could you post a quick layout sketch of your divs?