I made this model, pretty high poly in z-brush. But after I got some crit, I need to add details around the eye area. But I do not have enough poly around that area. So I had to go sub-div one more level into Lv6. Here comes the problem.... whenever I try to export this Lv6 model, it will freeze half way and pop a Incefficient relocated memory error and the only thing I can do at that point is to shut down the program. I have a pretty decent machine and when I checked the task manager, It was only at almost 1GB of RAM usage. I have plenty of HD space too. Can anyone give me some suggestions as to how to get around this problem? Thanks in advance. m(__)m (after wasting hours and hours of modeling just to get crash and loose everything for 3 times... It is killing me...;

Try going back to sub_d lvl 5 and pressing the "cage" button in your tool menu. This will adjust the verts so that when you subdivide the model it will smooth to reflect the deformation you've painted in higher subdivisions.
There is also some trick I dont remember where you can output a displacement map or a normal map from 1 subD level to another.