Hi my name is Patrik
I want some help finding usefull concept art for a movieproject
The concept is a future dystopia-scenario where almost the whole world is covered by man-made machines and technology. Even trees have somekind of technology in it. For instance instead of leafes and bracnh it has solarpanels (LOL) and pipes or sumthing.. well make it cool. its not a kids-story. Think Warhammer-lookalike and you are on the right track.
There is also an othe side where the remaining creature who still live in a free world untouched by human interference.
those can be fantasy-creatures. imagine whatever you want. they could look something like this. its a model i did based from a drawing by samwise

I cannot pay the artist whom wish to participate, i can only give a recommendation to the company i work for. Its a swedish company called "Powerhouse"
www.powerhouse.net and this movie is a part of a schoolwork, so srry.. i dont get paid. Allthough the movies gonna appear on trade fair.
Please someone intresting, or have some drawings to share? Only hi-quality, im not intrested in 5-minutes drawings, if you catch my thought.
ask one of the mods if they'll move your posting to the proper place for you!