w00t one of the characters I created for Shivering Isles made the cover of a few magazines, here's one from this month's PCZone, it was also on the cover of the Official Xbox magazine and some others. A bunch of other baddies i made were in screenshots and trailers too


Just wondering, do you know Seneca at id? He's throwin down badass scripts for modo, but I haven't seen much of his art... is he an environment artist, or what? I ask because he's contributing a lot on Luxology's forums but never posts his own art.
By the way, how long have you been making games? You site says you're at id now, but I'm pretty sure id didn't make Oblivion...
Maybe one day I can be cool like you.
im not in the UK (im in canada) but would surely love to see this and the inside art work, if someone can post pic i'd love to see that, if its ok with the NDA and the legal stuff.
Bravo dudette
Awesome job mate, didn't realise these characters/content were done so far in advance.
and i agree wit mcIlroy... show some of ur models whenever ur allowed to.
But the quality and design are incredible man
Congrats dude.
well earned!
Marcus Dublin
Artist - Kaos Studios
btw coldwolf: interview