With the Dominance War coming to a close and not having a final concept to finish my entry, I've decided to get back to my personal project. Which I will go into more detail about later once it's worth talking about.
But basically as the thread topic states, it's a Duke Nukem re-make. I need some normal map and character practice and my housemate needs to get good at coding for games, so that's the real reason behind this project.
No permission was attained from 3D Realms for this project (though I will inquire about this in the future), it's strictly for fun and personal advancement.
Here's a quick sketch of the head in mud (using Arsh's base). I'm working on some concepts for the body and the hair. Crits and paintovers on what looks wrong and what could be fixed are more than welcome.
Problems I already know of:
- Nose is small
- Ears look bunged to the max
- The eyes are looking a little weird as well
edit: the face looks a little long on the side view to me
Real quick paintover:
Refined some of the shape of the face and squared off his hair to match the Dukie flattop. Still needs some more work, I think I goofed some the neck muscles and stuff.
take a look at this and see what you can improve, http://www.driverzone.cz/tapetygamesy/Duke_Nukem_004.jpg
Keep up the good work,i'll keep my eye on this thread.
btw.I find kinda ironic that you're using Arsh his model. Ssince i saw on this site that Arshleven provided 3DRealms high poly models for normal mappping.Let's hope it was for DNF