for some reason, every morning when I start my car, it has problems keeping idle at 1 on the rpm dial. I usually have to press down the gas pedal for maybe 30 seconds to keep it revved up, then it idles back to 1. I was thinking it maybe the battery, maybe its not cranking out enough juice in the morning. Or it could be the starter motor, but before I goto the repair place, I wanted to see if anyone else has had similar symptoms.
ps. its a 1996 Camry
You would need to supply more information about the car.
Is it fuel injected?
Does it use points or CDI?
Are you using a different fuel?
Has there been a large tempature change?
Has anything been changed on the car recently?
I'm a motorcycle guy, but the principles are the same.
If it's 1, it might be a broken fuel pump. It happened to my old truck, it was about $400 after parts and labor I think.
Lee IM flaagan
Xenobond: hopefully, its not a big fix. I have to find a reputable auto shop around me.
sonic: whatever the 1-9 is on the Tachometer. I think thats 1000 rpms. lol
Thegodzero: its saturday, he's probably driving around in his vette
AstroZombie: i had a small tune up around Christmas, usual oil, check fluids, tires, check engine, etc.
Google it and find the idle rpm. 1k is pretty high it seems.
Not sure, really. Like I said I ride bikes. the idle on my present bike is 1.4k which I've been told is high for a car.
Techsmith: his first post says its a 1996 Toyota Camry
TechSmith: only big temp change is moving to NJ where its colder than Raleigh. I don't think its fuel injected, since it wasn't in the manual or on the engine. This is the first problem i've had while living in NJ. I think my car doesn't like the cold
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I think most of these guys hit a lot of the possibilities right off. The temp change could adversely effect your ride, wouldn't hurt to make sure your antifreeze is at the right mixture for the colder temps as a start.
I would be kind of surprised if a '96 Camry wasn't fuel injected. If the car runs good after warming up, I doubt it'd be something like the injectors or the fuel pump, though tossing in a bottle of fuel treatment couldn't hurt. Start the car up some morning and let it just idle without touching it and see what it does. If it starts surging the rpm's then it could be possibly be one of the sensors.
Potential "serious" problems could be any sensors or throttle control computers (but the sensors could be replaced cheaply).
Thegodzero: its saturday, he's probably driving around in his vette
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Actually... yah.. picked up the '86 from the service dept with the bad news of the #1 cylinder's rings are going out. Then took the '01 over the to the shop that's working on the 'cuda... busy day.
One thing to listen for is when the fuel pump starts pumping, is it loud? Typically the fuel pump pressurizes the system when you first turn the ignition on (without cranking).
The cold is a bitch on vehicles and can cause all sorts of new problems as parts shrink/bind from the cold. There are also so many sensors involved these days (compared to the 70s cars). You probably have an idle controller that may be bad also. Not as likely though.
I live in the Motor City area and I've worked for GM and currently for an automotive supplier. I'm not a mechanic, but I know a bit about cars
If it starts surging the rpm's then it could be possibly be one of the sensors.
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Sensors! Now that rings a bell for sure. That was what needed to be replaced on my old car.
AstroZombie: i had a small tune up around Christmas, usual oil, check fluids, tires, check engine, etc.
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That kinda sounds more like an oil change. New plugs and all that jazz as well? Or are you talking about a visit to Jiffy Lube or Oil Can Henry's?
I live in the Motor City area and I've worked for GM and currently for an automotive supplier.
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Hey notman, any way you could help me avoid the 'corvette tax'?
You talking with the new Vette with the added horsies? Or do you have some Cali taxes that don't apply here?
I'm referring to the new 'vette.. the "Corvette Tax" is a joke amongst 'vette owners about how much more we have to pay for things that guys with Camaros (and other GM vehicles with similar engines) have to pay, just because of the Corvette name.
But yeah, I don't understand the idea of basing the gas guzzler tax on HP (if it works as I've heard). These days HP doesn't mean bad gas mileage. Actually, some 4cylinder engines don't get any benefits over 6cylinder engines just because the weight of the vehicle offsets the power too much.
Yah, I don't get why things like the gas guzzler tax, but then, I don't get a lot of legislation tree-hugging politicians let fly.
Anyways, enough hijacking of Lee's thread...
LEE! Any luck with the car so far?
Actually GM's had that for a few years now... aside from when the had it back in the 70s and when they did it mechancially. They had a 350 sitting in an enclosed, glass room at the Auto Show a few years back and they demonstrated it's different modes. Man that was a cool display. It was on the second level of their display and the whole damn floor shook
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The version that was done mechanically back in the day sucked though. My old chemistry teacher had one and said it broke down on him more than any other car he ever had and it cost an arm and a leg to fix.