May 15th launch, a billion polygons AND a free upgrade?
Watch the video, lots of eye-catching features to be seen. I personally like all the cool ways to re-use 2D assets directly on the model.
Oh and there better be retopo in there, because I don't see myself importing billion poly models into Maya anytime soon...(not that i'd usually even go that high, but still..

-edit- yes they do have retopo
i am pretty excited, still dont know if it will replace mudbox for sculpting, but as is i dont do any detailing in mudbox cause i can get more subdivisions out of zbrush, with the added polycounts i can see it being even better at what i already use it for, a detailing and texturing tool.
looks great to me
doh just get over the interface, its not that bad. just fight with it for day and it will be cool
I didn't get a clear idea if it's possible to re import meshes as layers, the way one can in Mudbox. Probably the most useful feature right now. I'm not too excited, but it's a promising future with Skymatter and Pixologic competing like this. I have a feeling the best is yet to come.....still I'd trade all these new features for a new interface..
The transposing seems to be their main new thing, and this must be great for artists creating still imagery, but I don't see too much hot new features that would benefit a production pipeline.
[/ QUOTE ]
The most notable features for me personally aren't really pointed out in the video, these being:
- Multiple editable objects in scenes, good on its own and hopefully indicates a general step away from their stupid '2.5d canvas' model.
- <u>Perspective viewports</u>. Trying to sculp in that godaweful ortho viewport in ZB2 gives me a headache and is the primary reason I gave up on it entirely and waited for Mudbox.
- The post mentioned retopologizing... Seriously, ZB2 has the most ass-backwards way of adding loops, actually performing overarching topology changes is just out of the question. Anything that makes the program more able to produce models from scratch is an important step in my book.
In short, I might actually be able to use the damn thing now.
Now if only they'd made a half-decent interface.
yada yada yada
Someone on cgtalk said now everyone will be a great modeler, is just press a bunch of buttons... woot!! can't wait to be one too!
I think that the base of PROJECTION was here , isn't it ?:
excelent !
It's impressive, but it's also someone extremely familiar with ZB. Video tape a newb and you would'nt be half as impressed.
the mudboxx folks must have salty tears in their eyes:0
[/ QUOTE ] as work has zb and it looks to be a free upgrade I'm pretty stoked, but as a mudbox user at home I have to say its not a big kick to me.. most of the features I'm happy about in zb3 are the catch up to mudbox ones
Regardless, everything seen in that vid is just as easy to use as it looks (imo).
The first thing I noticed when I started using it was how much better it responds at higher resolutions with multiple subtools (meshes) in the scene. The file sizes are ridiculously low too.
if that is a free upgrade, then it is welcome, however wasn't only 2.5 supposed to be free? are they pulling some stunt here or can they really afford to give the work of several years and probably dozens of man-years away to their existing userbase? seems strange to me, is pixologic a charity organisation?
my main gripe with Z is that some functionality is well hidden behind ridiculous terms and an interface that is responsive and easy to use but hard to navigate at times. here's hope that the customization options have been expanded.
also, some sculpting tools feel quite weak compared to that other program, but performance- and reliability-wise it is no match for Z yet, so here i go.
haven't ZB upgrades always been free to existing users? when 2 launched pixologic pulled in a lot of new users, i'm sure the same is bound to happen this time round.