Im startng to teach myself 3D modeling, texturing and what not. Right now I am using Maya and U-paint (although I did have a spot of trouble getting Maya to work)
Anyways I was just wondering if any one could suggest any good programs that are free, or free trails. Ive already looked at mudbox and blender but havnt used them yet. Any suggestions that are noob friendly?
thank you for your time
First off, what on earth do you mean by 'skinning programs compatible with maya'? Skinning? You mean weighting or 3D painting or what? And by compatible with maya do you mean you're looking for a plug-in or a standalone app?
Not trying to be harsh, just looking for more info. Your post is completely confusing.
The 'maya compatibility' thing is whats confusing here. You say you have maya. Maya has a 3d paint tool which works fine.
There arent really any free 3D paint tools, but blender might have one for all I know. Wings3D is a good free modeler, but theres no painting on the mesh.
I would think that most people still paint their textures in photoshop as opposed to directly on a 3d model.
It might be easier to explain what youre hoping to achieve at this point since I suspect that some of your terminologies are a bit confused.
You can download it here:
To ebagg: I am like moderatly proficint with PS
I even choose a baby as an avatar because thats ike my expierence level
then again, maybe we should help you out with getting your maya to work, shame if you don't use it.
Bodypaint seems to be a nice solution if you want smooth painting on a 3d model. Modo has 3d painting as well. Nendo has 3d painting and it's not too expensive. There are free trials for each.