only bout' 1.5 hours of work so far. got a looong way to go still. crits welcome. first time sculpting cowl's etc.. used wire mesh underneath of it. hope it turns out
It looks great, especially for only one and a half hour's work. It's still too early to really give any useful criticism. Except that... well... it's a Blood Elf. GEE TEE EFF OH OF DA HORD U STUPID TRE HUGGARZ!11
Sorry. My Horde fanboy instincts kick in whenever someone makes mention of a Blood Elf.
i'll update as i go. BTW, been horde since day one but you would not believe how many peeps say "go back to ally" to me. then they bow to me when my arcane torrent saves their butt in AB. lol
Looking neat, the hair in particular is looking nice. Keep the updates coming.
Sorry. My Horde fanboy instincts kick in whenever someone makes mention of a Blood Elf.