Hey guys, so one of my Icas for uni is to create a level design document and map etc. Ive had a little hunt around for some articles on the subject matter mainly on gamasutra but most of them keep to GAME design and not overall level.
So this thread is for anyone interested in making there own levels and of course to help me out

It would be great if someone could post a link or two to some insightfull tips on level design here, would be greatly apreciated for your time. THanks! OH and the level design is a stealth based ninja level a bit like mgs and tenchu
By Hourences
I've been reading through it and its an excellent source of information about game & level design.
http://www.johnsto.co.uk/design (a lot of very good articles)
http://www.interlopers.net/index.php?page=what-is-level-design.php (pretty new, didnt yet read through it)
oh and definitely give hourences book a shot (like mentioned above)