Hey I'm trying to do a scene in max and want to add bloom out side of the windows and have the effect coming in. What is the best way you can suggest doing this?
I prefer to duplicate the layer, squash the levels so that you're only getting the brighest brights and everything else is black, Gaussian Blur, and set to Color Dodge.
Enviro -> Effects -> Lens Effects -> Glow
with source color, and apply to full image but check the option that says something about clamp or brightness or so, as that should glow everything that is bright (intensity > 1 whatever), which is exactly the same as cheap ingame blooming works.
then you must make sure that your outside has intensities greater than that... then again just some PS work, might do the trick, too.
Doc rob has it pretty close to what video game bloom does, the other suggestiongs are home brew style bloom that won't simulate what the 360 and ps3 does if that was the goal. Duplicate layer guassien blur set to linear dodge create adjustment layer of curves and hold down alt and click between the layers to link curves to just your bloom layer. Now you can adjust the threshold non destructively. Also you can use colour dodge or screen for different types of bloom but generally linear dodge is what programmers are used to as it seems to simulate additive.
but wouldnt the duplicate layer thing require the image to be more than just 8-Bits per channel? I mean that is what the "real" bloom is about, so that you actually get the "overbright" pixels (greater > 1), which wouldnt be there after clamping to 1.0 which regular 8 bit does.
I should have mentioned this earlier but i am doing this for a scene fly through / quick pan so doing it in max would probably be the best way unless I want to edit 100-300 or more frames.
yeah, just render your movie to tga files, then create a photoshop action for your bloom and use photoshop to batch process the tgas (File->Automate->Batch). It works great.
ahh good idea i didn't really think of that. i've done that for quite a few other things so it should work. man i'm glad i have multiple computers at home to render on and use my laptop to work on while stuff renders.
If you're doing any kind of movie making, get a compositing app like After Effects or Fusion, even Premiere or Vegas or lower end editors should have a glow filter. Batch processing single frames is going to get old very fast.
you can do bloom in max using a luminance blur. Just add a blur in the effects tab, then follow the values in the screen shot. But, If I remember correctly it looks a bit odd in motion. Either way, give it a shot.
duplicate layer, gausian blur at like 10px, set to 50% overlay
duplicate that, set to 50% screen
i think max has some built in bloom render thing too
Neil Blevins fake bloom
with source color, and apply to full image but check the option that says something about clamp or brightness or so, as that should glow everything that is bright (intensity > 1 whatever), which is exactly the same as cheap ingame blooming works.
then you must make sure that your outside has intensities greater than that... then again just some PS work, might do the trick, too.
edit: sorry don't know the details but I've heard of it being done
you can do bloom in max using a luminance blur. Just add a blur in the effects tab, then follow the values in the screen shot. But, If I remember correctly it looks a bit odd in motion. Either way, give it a shot.