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My first time posting my (bad) art here.

polycounter lvl 17
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movento polycounter lvl 17
Hello guys,my name is Bram aka movento. I started modeling like 3 years with Wings 3D.Since a year i switched to Maya. A half year ago i started to practice texturing. Currently i'm working on a personal project. My goal is to finish the model i'm posting here and get it into UT.
I am aware of the fact that the hair looks ridiclous.
and here is the texture map
I'm mainly looking for crits on the texture,



  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    cut the texture in half and mirror the uv's to the other side to save space.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    looks really desaturated

    Take a look at this thread Release the Heads
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Bram, looks like a fairly good start but you've a long ways to go. I wouldn't mirror the texture of the face, just make use of the unique texture space to make it asymmetrical. You could easily get away with mirroring the eyes, however.

    Eyes are never pure white and are surprisingly dark. be sure to add a slight shadow over the top half to fake depth and lids. The textures space is a little odd... you've got each eyeball getting the same space as the face. Thats just bad math.

    for the skin, you've way too little contrast. Don't be afraid to sketch in some dark lines and details. And don't skimp with the color!

    Would you mind showing us some wires? It appears as though you topped off his skull a bit too early... remember that the eyes should be almost in the middle, vertically.
  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the replies guys.Here's the wireframe as you requested,Sectaurs
    I made the contrast higher(i think it's still not enough)and repainted some parts.It's not easy for me to make the texture better,and to know what more detail i should add.
    I started working on the body again.I'm still not sure what i should do with the torso(jacket,coat...i really don't know) bodylr8.jpg

    PS: does anybody know how to flatten a face in Maya?
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    unless the eyes animate separately to the face, you'd do much better to model them straight in and paint the eye details directly onto the face texture. This would be the correct use of polys and texture space, and is infinitely easier to make them look convincing.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    ugh....the super giant eyeballs that nobody will ever see. Unless you are doing a medical procedure that explicitly shows the eye up close, why would you give more texture space to the eyeball than the entire face of the character?

    The texture should be looking a little closer to this, or some variation of:

    Take advantage of the texture space and think about relative size on screen. What pixels on the screen will the player see the most and pay the most attention to? That is where your texture detailing and size should be.

    The bottom of people's feet....the bottom of the box...the crack of someone's ass....these are all areas that unless you are specifically going to get close to and pay attention to in a game that probably don't need that much texture space. This isn't always the case, but it's a good rule of thumb to think about when unwrapping and texturing.
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    for the texturing - Jonathan has wroten down very nice tuto :

  • seankaremaker
    i see that you have started to add some variation of color in his face on the cheek. your use of yellows and reds is OK but everything in his face is the same sort of values. you need to add details like wrinkles, aging spots, pores. in this case you would likely see some veins since it is an older character. I am not sure if you are going for realistic or cartoon but it really doesn't matter, this texture just needs more time put into it. i haven't been texturing characters that long but i find that making A collage of blended reference photos that you can use for color reference to sample from really helps when painting. It also helps with a sort of a height reference because it is likely that you will have to paint a lot of bumps and crevices into the texture on a low poly model. the shape of the top of this characters head looks really odd ands i think the front of his face is flat, it will help when you paint more depth into your texture but you can also shape it a little better so that you make better use of the geometry. sometimes you can sample really weird stuff for textures for example i found a really good close up photo of an elephants leg and i use it for wrinkles and coarse skin (by using layer blending modes color correction etc.) I hope that helps a bit, I am looking forward to seeing this thing finished
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    hmm i think yuo should be a little bolder. there is virtually no detail and it looks like you have used minimal reference for this piece.
    The shape of the head seems way off too. Again all i can say is find good ref for the model and texture
  • cyi
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    cyi polygon
    Dude, read this tutorial on painting a head texture! It's really great.

  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments.i've already taken a look at Ancient-Pig's tutorial,and it's very usefull.It doesn't
    mean i'm gonna be a pro though.
    I've remapped the head and added a his hat.
    I still got loads of work to do on his head,but i hope it's getting better.
    Oh and i'll fix the eyes,it doesn't look right atm.
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