Hey, just signed up for this Gametap thing today. Anyone else use it? Seems like a damned good deal. You basically pay 10 bucks a month for unlimited downloading of games from this gametap library. Has a pretty good variety, old school games from the way back consoles and some great new stuff, as well as some great games that should've sold better. (Just downloaded Beyond Good and Evil, going to be getting the new MMO Myst thing, sam & max, etc...
I'm just testing it out right now (First month is 99 cents), but it seems great so far.

Check it out at
http://www.gametap.com. Has a list of it's games library there as well.

how does it handle file saves and such?
For the more robust games it downloads the whole thing at once, then allows you to play the game as if you'd installed it from disk, though you have to start the game from inside the gametap program. (At least that's how it works for Beyond Good and Evil.)
I haven't had much time to play around with it yet (Too much work to do) but so far it seems to be a pretty solid system and to have a lot of worth to it.
If that didn't answer properly sorry, I can try to explain it better. :P
I remember signing up for this when it first launched, it has made huge improvements since.
One big thing is that PC games can't be played online (so no Wormnet for Worms)
It has vampire savior and it's playable online that's why gametap is great.
They just added Interstate '76 last night too