Hey guys,
Been lurking about these forums the past few days and found some really helpfull info on here compared to most other communities, especially to do with the gaming side of things that Im hoping to break into as a concept artist.
So for my first post Im just here introducing myself!

Im currently studying games art at the university of Teesside in middlesbrough Uk on my second year and looking for placement. My main skills lay in the 2D conceptualization side of things allthough I am broadening my horizons by learning 3Dsmax, and Zbrush.
Anyway enough of my babble, I will get some work together in a while and pimp it out for you guys to check out soon if you like.
Keep up the great mind bending work guys!
Sean Donaldson
As many people here will tell you, polycount is the source of when their 2d and 3d skills really rocketed off into a professional career, myself included.
Again, welcome to the community and post plenty! We got the bigass Dominance War contest goin on so theres tons to see!
I particularly like this picture, its really quite lovely.
It seems your landscapes are stronger than your characters at the moment. There's never enough environment artists around ehre
ebagg : THankyou, and I certainly do know about the nose turning with the Deviantart site and promise it will only be on my sig for a few hours or so longer...im currently setting up a wordpress page which I HOPE will be a lot cleaner and easier to navigate if done well, and after reading a lot of comments on this site its quite obvious how talented and smart a lot of memmbers here are which should definently prove usefull for me as im dead set on getting into the industry and hope to get enough help to see me there. Yes, i expect HARSH crits, spit on me if you like, just get me better!
Sectaurs : Thanks, yes the speedpaintings are a big fav of most people. Its quite funny how the pieces of work you spend least time on are more powerfull then a lot of of the bigger pieces...that being said im now combining the two, creating the speedpainting and injecting power before I refine should push me a little.