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Ooghi's Prop Model Thread of Doom

polycounter lvl 17
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Ooghijmiqtxxa polycounter lvl 17
Something weird happened to the image host and all the images were gone so I deleted the thread until I could upload them all again. Sorry about that. mad.gif

Hi there! I've just recently learned how to model and UVmap so I've been working on the level props for my personal project, Southern Rise for Unreal3. I'm not 100% sure on the specs for level props in Unreal3, so I'm going to keep everything 512 and below. I'm hopefully going to be updating this thread daily or every other day, depending on certain things.

Here is what I have so far

First model ever!

This is a large stone. I'm going to be adding blood to it to make it seem like people are getting killed on this thing:

Small ammo box. Not liking this one at all. 256x256 texture.

Pillar Skin1:

Pillar Skin2:


That's about it for now. I haven't played with normals yet. I'm getting my hands on Mudbox pretty soon so I'm going to wait for that for the normals. I've made some mistakes with some optimizing the UVmaps, but I'm starting to get the hang of it now. I'm not sure what lighting system is the best. Right now I use two brown and blue Omni lights to show off the models. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, I'd love to hear em'. Thanks


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