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Looking for good honest crits. WIP player model.

This is a model i've been working on for the past few days. It's based of a sketch I did on the back of the bus. I wont post it unless anyone requests it.

The model is currently 5200 polies and need to get it down to aaround 4000 but i've not done any optimisation yet and I can think of several ideas.

The concept behind the character was a re-animated corpse powered by a steam engin. He's not exactly happy in his new life hence the sad look in the eye sockets.

The top half of his body is going to be covered by a vest and the bottom are a pair of combat style trousers.

I just want to know what people think and get some good honest views on where I could improve or what I could add.

Thanks in advance for any help.

**Thumbnails edited to remove popups**





  • Em.
    Offline / Send Message
    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    I'd like to see what it looks like with smoothing, and I know everyone else, including myself is going to want wireframes.
    If he's a re-animated corpse, it might be best to not have his arms and face as pure bone, leave some fleshy bits. I'm confused as to what all the pieces are on the backpack, right now nothing is saying steam engine to me, are those pipes of some sort? Of course texturing would clarify things quite a bit. Maybe you could describe how the backpack works as well, or post your concept. I'm sure someone will stop by to give you better crits, in the meanwhile keep it up. smile.gif
  • Athlete-UK-
    Cheers. Yeah It just occured to me I didn;t post a wire frame. I'll get one up in a sec. I normally like to work without smoothing groups until it come time to put them on.

    I understand what you mean about the steam engine though. It's not actually a backpack. It's sort of protruding into his back but that's something that I hope will be clarified with the normal mapping and texturing.

    As for his arms and face being pure bone. *edit misread what you said** Yeah The only bone showing is actually the skull I kind of like the idea of the top part of the skill being just bone but at the join on the neck I'm planning on adding details like flesh bolted on and around the point what the sholders join the mechanical arms I want it to look a bit bloody. (the arms are mechanical. I've going to see how easy it would be for me to rig a piston between the upper and lower arms)

    But thanks for the crit. I am currently looking to design a better engin. Using some reference images from victorian era steam engins.

  • Rick Stirling
  • Athlete-UK-
    Thanks for that link. I read through and didn't really see anything I majourly fell down on. Maybe some orthographic views on the solid render. But it may come in handy for future reference.
  • low odor
    Offline / Send Message
    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Corpses don't decay symetrically

    Your shoulders are going to deform very badly. Check out this thread.

    If it is supposed to be cartoony..not exagerated stylised enough. If it's not supposed to be cartoony, then you need to check your anatomy.
    His hands look like they are straight from a biped..way too boxy...
    In anycase, we all have to start somwhere.Use that 4k to define his silhoutte more...give him bad posture.
  • Athlete-UK-
    It's only symetrical at the moment because i'm modelling the base details and using an instance on a mirror. I'm leaving him like that for now incase anyone suggests changes which would be easier implimented through the use of an instance (i.e changing the sholders do they deform better.) But you're deffinatly right there. I think I could do with some more obvious details to make him more asymetrical rather then just different ripples in his shirt and trousers.

    The arms are mechanical so I don't think actual human anatomy has that much bearing there not entirely sure about them being too boxy but then, Why am I posting here if not to get a fresh perspective on my work?

    Thanks for the link it looks really really helpful. I've been looking for something like that for a while now.

    I'll try to get these changes implimented when I get a chance. I'm going to be away for a week but I think i'll use some of my spare time (5 hour train ride) to design a new steam engin and go through a few more designs for the arms.

    So far the response to this has been great. Thanks a ton guys it's this kind of honest crit I really need.
  • Mr Ray
    Offline / Send Message
    Mr Ray polycounter lvl 18
    Hay ath!
    The hands are a big polywaste atm, you can easily remove the joints between the fingers, jus weld them together and texture the joints and noone will hardly see the difference smile.gif
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