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Dominance War II - ThE_BirD

polycounter lvl 20
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ThE_BirD polycounter lvl 20
I'm in the middle of an insanely busy month at work but I've at least gotta make an effort... I have slightly more faith that I can get this done than I have in Bobo;) Jason Merck and I had grand plans for a collaboration but I'm gonna go ahead and concept this guy out myself since he's even busier than I am... Sooo here are some quick thumbs and sticky note sketches...
I'm leaning towards B and C but I'd love some feedback on what stuff sticks out...


  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    holy crapola those are awesome. my faves, personally, are C and J.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Those are awesome The-Bird, I think C has the most variety of things to create, which in my mind would help bring more interest to the character. Alot of the others feel more on the side of robot, that would destroy alot of the designs I have seen at 3dtotal. C also has an evil/sinister air about him that I like, so my personal choice would be him, but this was a tough choice, as they are all killer.

    P.S: Ohh ohh Bobo, The-Bird just called you lazy.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    yeah c and j are great.. hell they all would make sweet shadows
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    I personnaly really like the look of both H & J laugh.gif

    Awesome designs !
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    They´re all pretty neat...I´d say j and o.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    bird rockin it hard... i think b and h are the strongest, those immediately caught my eye..
  • Unbreakable
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    Unbreakable polycounter lvl 17
    Nice work, Bird, I think that C would be best choice for this team, like Spark said.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Great thumbs dude.....I'm digging C....
  • akimba

    Great start ThE-BirD!!
    First I'd like to say that these silhouettes are fantastic. You've managed to pull out so much info from each one that you've got a great base to start from.

    I agree with Spark in that I feel C has the most evil potential. He really stands out as the one to fear and feels like he's got an aura of importance on the battlefield.

    Can't get my eye off of J's shoulders though. love em
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    This is great! My favs are j and e.
    How did you made this thumbs? Painting silhouettes, erase and painting some green on it?
  • I_luv_Pixels
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    I_luv_Pixels polycounter lvl 17
    O MY DAMN!!! this is going to be interesting!!!
  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 20
    I can't wait to see the 3d version.
  • Cridder
    I vote C, looks like you've got some great ideas. Cant wait ot see an update.
  • Mr Delish
    C!!! C AS HARD AS I CAN!!!
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    I don't want to complicate Your choice , but I see a lot potencial in A.

    after ... I like also H and C.
  • Dread_Reaper
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    Dread_Reaper polygon
    I also se alot of potential with A. It seems really different from anything else i've really seen, and it exudes a certain menace. The legs are the only thing that I feel would need to be worked on, but other than that I think you really hit something unique with A.

  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    theres plenty of great idea's happening in those concepts smile.gif I hope you get time to kick ass with the mesh work too
  • ThE_BirD
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    ThE_BirD polycounter lvl 20
    noritsune, Spark, Rooster, Renauld, Slaught, unbreakable, gavku, akimba, Davision3D, Cridder, MrDelish. Dizzy and Dread_Reaper - Thanks so much for the votes... helped me narrow it down a ton...

    Arsh - quit trying to steer me wrong you traitorous bastard wink.gif

    parasite7, I_luv_Pixels, Spacemonkey - Thanks for the encouragement:)

    ... sorry I got away from this for so long.. Just got off a crunch at work so I'm ready to give this a go...
    He's still early in the blocking stage and I haven't started on any of the final hi res mesh (I might keep the sword blade though) I need to unify the design a lot more. Things like the gun arm will have to be much better integrated (it might be a bit big blush.gif) ...I took parts of C,J and H and just jammed with some of the those shapes in mudbox... I lost the magician feel of C which sucks but he started to diverge in this cyber samurai direction which I'm havin fun with... The Halo shapes behind the head were a suggestion at sketchgroup... it'll be a helmet that would animate closing over the face but leaving the chin bone exposed...


    Thanks again guys:)

    and Davision 3D - Yeah the thumbs are just black and white (toggling with x in photoshop) blacking out and cutting back into them with white and then just popping out green glowies after:)
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Some stunning work on the thumbnails man, you've even managed to inspire me a bit more in my design!
    Great start on the model, I'll be keeping an eye on this to see how it pans out. Keep it up.

  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    LOL i thought u were gonna throw that out... smile.gif
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Bird! Loose, exploratory style of an obvious professional speaking through the thumbnails smile.gif So very glad you're off crunch now and have a chance to give this beastie a full go. I'm digging the funky form language you're tossing around here and there. I agree that the halo-shaped helmet is a good visual balance choice. The issue that you'll have to iron out with the rest of the design is how to balance the giganto-gun visually with the rest of him... personally, I'm a big fan of Ashley Wood, generally, but also in the way he balances the big-gun-arm on his renditions of Spawn. Or of course, classics like Vulcan Raven from MGS1; ludicrous design with outsized shapes, that nonetheless works and works well. But like I need to be telling you any of this. Good stuff and keep us posted!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hehe this should be good smile.gif love ths sword design
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    <3 the blocking model is a winner.
  • alkhobarspecial
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    alkhobarspecial polycounter lvl 18
    arent you done yet?

    like the sword alot. it almost looks like this cool blade that some kind of organic parasite attached itself to and then attached itself to this big guys hand. bringing what obviously should of been together from the beginning of time.

    he still looks a little squat to me, at least from the back view for sure. they do say that people draw themselves most of all, maybe counts for mud sketching too?

    ps ignore my spleling. dyslexic fingers
  • ThE_BirD
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    ThE_BirD polycounter lvl 20
    caseyjones, Rooster and Snowfly- thanks... I'm gonna need all the encouragement I can get to make this happen blush.gif

    V- that's what happens when you give away your best ideas at sketchgroup...

    Gauss - always good input...and thanks for the reminder, I dusted off some of the old Ashley Wood books to give em another look... That tricky bastard hides things in silhoutte a lot but man does it work... also I apologize in advance for the shameless abuse of glowy in this revision...

    Alkobar - thanks... you've always got crazy ideas at SG so feel free to throw em out there... although if you call me squat again I won't hesitate to bench press you in the face next time I see you... I'll see about "talling" him up a bit...

    Anyways, I did a little paintover the blockin model to try and hammer things out a bit... He still needs a little more story telling flair I think but having the sinewy flesh work its way into the gun starts to gel it a bit better and the bone, sinew, metal glowy combo should make from some nice material variation...
    I'm gonna have to start bitin' the bullet and building this for real... Next updates should include some "real" modelin' blush.gif
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    That's look great Paul I can't wait to see this modeled.

  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah thats totally stunning Paul. Maybe Im not fully sure about the little feet, but its unexpected and gives it an even more unique feel.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    ahaha, you SHOULD feel ashamed for flagrant glow-y bit abuse. it's easier to say which parts aren't glowing, rather than name all the ones that are laugh.gif

    by your reply i infer you've read my admonishments to PeterK, but you know the drill... right now the glow is really wreaking havok on the viewer's eyes being drawn to the right places. you've got exotic enough form language on this guy, plenty enough for eyecandy; i think it'd be that much more effective with more strategic and discreet employment of ye olde glowe.

    but if you got a jonesin' for glow, and your bosses at work won't let you let it all out, then by all means... smile.gif
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    He's compensating for his little feet with his huge hand cannon...maybe he's a tad bit insecure....

    Looks beautiful man
  • indian_boy
    i don't see any glows? possibly because i've been blinded, but....

    lol, (of all ppl) shouldn't be saying that. honestly though, apart from lessening the glowies, i think its pretty darned awesome!
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great man....I think the green is fine. Good to see someone reppin' the polycount colors so flamboyantly....Snips was an awesome character last year, hope you have time to finish this guy..
  • Dread_Reaper
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    Dread_Reaper polygon
    Really sweet concept man. The only crit I have is the feet. They seem a little bit too small, and kind of uninteresting. I'm sure they would somehow be made into another weapon for this ugly glowy.

  • alkhobarspecial
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    alkhobarspecial polycounter lvl 18
    i agree with everyone. not neccessarily that the feet ar too small but just kind of bland. oh and it might be kidn of cool to go witht eh parasite idea on the sword thing and have maybe like some kind of flexible chainmail type protection that the guy had put on to protect his parasitic friend from being killed and thus removing his bad arse hand. just throwing stuff out there.

    im not sure if im still sold on the mushroom head. but maybe...
  • deamongi
    hey Bird, it's Kristian. Just here to pay homage to the great one! I love your stuff dude, the paint over is sweet!
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