well this post has VERY FOUL Language and may be offensive to some. But man its a hilarious rap song. Dont blast this through your desk speakers at work. LOL. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcsPHbGwr2U[/ame]
Been listening to it all day at work, really an awesome album. All the jams and stuff he's been previewing on youtube are full on songs now and on the cd.
HAHAHAH Electro punk babies. awesome. The Mad Artist. Ronald is awesome man.. if you like that you should check out this guy I found. he is awesome. It contains very explicit language and may be so awesome your head will explode!!!! HAHAHA [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pZE961B_O4[/ame]
the second one you can feel free to sing to. but you must make up your own words and those words must be hilarious.
UPDATE: This is indeed fake and was a paid for viral video by Microsoft to promote Office, more specifically Microsoft Office Project 2007, which was what the website that is home to this video is supposed to show was used in order to plan the crazy jump. Seems like a lot of work to go to just to say, "Hey!, Use Project 2007 to make some cool flowcharts that end up getting your copy cat ass murdered by going air born into a boulder on the side of a hill."
actually I listened to an article about this jump here is the link. p.s. there its also a great zbrush tutorial. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAbqyojQWcA[/ame] .................................NOT! EVERYONE DANCE!!!
thought it was going to be some sort of up to date <a href="https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki">castle of illusions</a> deal but this has way more potential and warren spector to boot.
Painting with Polygons
It would be interesting to see if something similar could be done with realtime shaders and some post processing.
incase you ever wanted to see Grover getting jacked off.
that wedding and penny thing were awesome
Ha. Thats hilarious.
That guy actually went to Ringling.. I've seen his work before.
Here's his thesis project.
Holy crap he can sing, model, and animate!?
Must have new album...
Music is not bad. Except that it needs a little more metal...
the second one you can feel free to sing to. but you must make up your own words and those words must be hilarious.
it's no dethklok but still brutal
UPDATE: This is indeed fake and was a paid for viral video by Microsoft to promote Office, more specifically Microsoft Office Project 2007, which was what the website that is home to this video is supposed to show was used in order to plan the crazy jump. Seems like a lot of work to go to just to say, "Hey!, Use Project 2007 to make some cool flowcharts that end up getting your copy cat ass murdered by going air born into a boulder on the side of a hill."
This gibbon is awesome. Look. Just Look.