Junkie_XL: OMFG that is sick. Those are the Douche bags that threw paint on my nice fur coat. I don't think they realize how many seals it takes to make this kind of garment. I cut a tree down once. It was amazing! chainsaws are awesome. I then chopped the wood with an axe then set the wood pieces on fire once they dried. God Damn I am such a man.
Junkie_XL: OMFG that is sick. Those are the Douche bags that threw paint on my nice fur coat. I don't think they realize how many seals it takes to make this kind of garment.
Best way to save a species from going extinct is to farm it and eat it or for other reasons.
A geisha that, among other things, transforms its lower half into a high-speed, wall-climbing tank while playing a shamisen.
I just want to know, when the pagoda transforms into a Power Rangers enemy styled robot, and it smashes modern style buildings - why do the buildings start spraying blood?
This things been all over the tv lately - Gotta be the longest commercial for some awful drug that seems to have the same basic side effects as drinking draino. Every time I think its going to end, shit keeps going! grrr....
This things been all over the tv lately - Gotta be the longest commercial for some awful drug that seems to have the same basic side effects as drinking draino. Every time I think its going to end, shit keeps going! grrr....
i heard it alot when i was little, so its awesome
Try digital painting or building something in 3d while sitting in that.
cant figure out how to embed this here but yeah, THIS IS FUCKING HERRRARIOUS!
God speed giant spider guy.
I lol'd at the fallout 3 bit.
i will get me coat...
Im so glad i beat it
omg...i shit my fucking pants, thats fucking scary dude.....
he guessed capt. price....he was right. im kinda scared now...
Dont click if you have not seen Transformers part deuce
Best way to save a species from going extinct is to farm it and eat it or for other reasons.
A geisha that, among other things, transforms its lower half into a high-speed, wall-climbing tank while playing a shamisen.
I just want to know, when the pagoda transforms into a Power Rangers enemy styled robot, and it smashes modern style buildings - why do the buildings start spraying blood?
Nice find
Geisha Chainsaw!
I think everybody has wanted to throw down and quit like that at least once in their lives
The Chemical Brothers:
Gnarls Barkley:
This things been all over the tv lately - Gotta be the longest commercial for some awful drug that seems to have the same basic side effects as drinking draino. Every time I think its going to end, shit keeps going! grrr....
I think most people have an allergic reaction to death...at least the people i know would...
"In clinical studies a lower percentage of patients on celebrex reported indigestion, abdominal pain, and death..."
Apparently communicating with the dead is now accepted practise in clinical studies.
Now with 50% more S
a friend's thesis film. funniness