This song is quite catchy. Looks like it was written for the Festival Supreme concert with Tenacious D. Check this guys out, they are fucking hilarious.
Loving the speed and movement of this, and that blood, oh fuck yes I have not seen such glorious blood since Quake 3, deffo backing when money comes up
the tags are 'vv'. Also, just put the number between the tags, and not the whole link (not sure why.... doesn't make sense to me). So, in your case, it would have been "vv"107963554"/vv" (obviously brackets instead of the quote marks)
How bout dem O's!
Poor buggers don't know the chance they lost. Probably won't see another vote till another generation has passed...
Photorealism or what!!!???
maybe some day he can do the same fer Samurai Jack.
I can only get up to 27 or so before I keep failing, I'll blame it on my monitor.
Edit: had one more go and went up two more levels! :P
22 till there was no difference ;/
Loving the speed and movement of this, and that blood, oh fuck yes I have not seen such glorious blood since Quake 3, deffo backing when money comes up
Fusion Gone Wrong*:
Oh Mein Gotten !
No sympathy
Here's one that I luv:
loads more here:
...and 'The Missing Scarf' - animated short made in Blender and featuring the voice of George Takei.
Couldn't get the 'vv' tags to work with the Vimeo link - I remembered to take out 'http://' but I think embedding has been disallowed for that video?
EDIT: Vimeo embed code fixed - see Notman's reply below.
For the vv tags, you just put in the video number (in your case, 107395294). Not very intuitive
Thanks, man. Knew i was missing something.
Shame the Vimeo stuff is left-justified*. Maybe that's just my OCD.
*Sorted with
not hilarious but good description distinguishing game violence and real violence
Oh Jeff Goldblum.
WAIT! don't just scroll past it! its really funny
More here:
the tags are 'vv'. Also, just put the number between the tags, and not the whole link (not sure why.... doesn't make sense to me). So, in your case, it would have been "vv"107963554"/vv" (obviously brackets instead of the quote marks)
Probably time for an eye test.
This one made my day, nice one fella !