Hi there,
i´m not that experienced with character modeling and so I decided to play around with a basemesh just to learn.. and I got some problems I can´t figure out myself.. ok, lets start:
this is my quick modeled basemesh:

and this the biped:

I riged this guy useing the skin-modifier and vertex weightning.. and almost everthing working realy smooth and fine, but I noticed that you can only turn the hand and not the forarm. This gives me a stupid distortion.. how can I fix this?.. a pic say more than 1000 words:

furthermore I get an error when I want to mirror the adjusted vertexes.. with other chars this worked.. why not this time.. I even deleded the biped and did everything again.. same problem.. same way with other chars work.. something with the mesh???

and my last question.. is it somehow possible to scale the riged char? Without figure mode nothing happens and with this:

hope someone can help.. greetings
ps: yes I already searced the web and no I didn´t find the answer myself -so sorry if these questions are stupid

Did you do the biped tuts that come with Max? For the forearm, check out the tut Twisty Bones. For mirroring skin weights, check the tut Applying Skin to the Alien.
I don't work with Biped much, but I thought Figure mode had an overall scale control. Probably a better way to do that though, hopefully someone else will chime in.
The mirrored vertices, adjust all the settings in the Skin Mirror rollout... It looks like the mirror plane is offset, which is why its not matching up.
Biped doesn't "scale," since what you're actually doing is scaling all the limbs individually, almost. You need to adjust the "Height" of the biped from the bottom of the Structure rollout (I think its called structure, its where you adjust the limbs of the biped).
Forearm: Create a Twist Bone for the forearm (from the Structure rollout in Figure mode), and skin the verts to the twist bone, don't skin anything to the forearm bone, and it will behave properly.
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Ah, this sounds good.. did a quick test and seems great!
Biped doesn't "scale," since what you're actually doing is scaling all the limbs individually, almost. You need to adjust the "Height" of the biped from the bottom of the Structure rollout (I think its called structure, its where you adjust the limbs of the biped).
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Yeah found it, but same problem here.. the mesh get not scaled right.. like the pic above..
The mirrored vertices, adjust all the settings in the Skin Mirror rollout... It looks like the mirror plane is offset, which is why its not matching up.
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Yeah, but why? And I already tried to give the mirrorplane an offset so that it is in the middle.. it still doesn´t mirror as it should.. maybe i´ll recreate it again..
but thanks for the help!
-Export the Skin weights
-Delete the skin modifier
-Scale the mesh properly, adjust the height of the biped to match
-Apply a new skin modifier, add all the bones to it
-Import the Skin weights, using "Match by Name"
That should do the trick.
As for the mirroring, I've never had a problem with hundreds of uses... in the pic above, the mirroring-plane is offset (it should be right in the middle, with a 0 offset). Also, try adjusting the tolerance (whatever that other variable is called), to around .5 or higher.
(and this in your 3rd post! -2 in this Thread!!!)
mirror issue: as I said.. I didn´t have the problem before, too.. don´t know.. whatever
Figure mode on.
Skin modifier off.
Reset Xform
Move the reet UNDER the skin
Collapse to.
Skin on.
her is a rotating gif [1mb]: -click-
just for fun:
btw: i realy like how this came out -i mean look and feel of this shooter-scene.. if someone is interested I may make a little game out of it.. coder and help here and there needed, so if someone is interested?
my plan is a freeware game.. and with only basic colours it won´t be more than 10mb of space.. would be an interesting project I think.